Thank you Gerrit.

On Fri, Dec 04, 2020 at 12:25:19PM +0000, Mr Gerrit H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. 
> Zenaan,
> I was born in The Netherlands and served in the Dutch Royal Army, also at the 
> then IRON CURTAIN in Germany within NATO forces. As such I understand the 
> Dutch language. I presented (from Australia) my submission and various 
> concerns about the break up of the plane where it appeared to me that the 
> rivet holes showed that the rivits were pulled through the skin, as such the 
> skin too weak where the rivets were, and showed with images this to be so. My 
> document can be downloaded from 
> I also referred to that the investigators in my view "assumed' that there was 
> a BUK of the Russians, which I held was not for it to do so, etc..I further 
> provided another detailed submission as to the documentation that were 
> showing that not the resistance but the Ukraine army actually had been in the 
> place but that the Ukraine Army had later claimed otherwise.
> I also indicated that its images used by the Dutch investigation to explain 
> the events was troublesome as to how the plane (MH17) was downed.
> The Dutch Government acknowledged my contributions to the investigation 
> albeit did not correct its set out (Dutch / English).
> In my view from the material I read and watched on videos I have little doubt 
> that MH17 was downed in mid air by another plane. 
> I also held that the initial report of the investigators without shed of 
> evidence alleged a BUK from a certain area and claiming by this no other such 
> weapon existed. in the area. The original investigation was conducted as not 
> to lay blame against anyone as that was beyond the legal authority of the 
> investigation team.  It was to investigate for safety standards. As such, to 
> claim no other BUK was in the area was beyond its legal authority to do so. 
> Neither did it provide any evidence why no other BUK was in the area. 
> Regardless if a BUK was or was not involved the issue was that I made clear 
> that in my view the investigators had made a claim which was not 
> substantiated with any evidence, and neither was it for it to make such a 
> claim. 
> Gerrit

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