On Sun, Dec 6, 2020 at 6:38 AM Zenaan Harkness <z...@freedbms.net> wrote:
> Germany ambushes Haverbeck, now 92 years old, with a "charge" from 2018
> as soon as she'd finished her previous jail stint.
> > Grandma Haverbeck, who has for 70 odd years been humbly asking for
> > evidence of the hallowed holy gas chambers (like, for example,
> > something OTHER than the rickety wooden pailing-fence gates as the
> > supposed doors of the Auschwitz gas chambers, or any other non
> > refutable evidence for that matter...) went on the lam and the German
> > "authorities" finally caught up with her.

I'm working on blockchaining list posts right now.  I'm waiting for
some uploads to finish, but they could finish pretty rapidly if I used
the time modifying the upload code to speed it up.  I'd rather work on
that than post to this list.

I read the book "Man's Search for Meaning" some time after my
brainwashing, and loved it so much.  I read it in a group, so I got to
be near other people who had exposure to serious suffering from
reading it, without upsetting them.  The book describes a
psychologists life imprisoned within a concentration camp, and the
psychological treatment he came up with as a result of it.

One of the things he said is that when he went back to the outer
German world, nobody had any [idea/clue] that the concentration camps
were happening.  They seemed to think that everything was being good
for everybody.

I'm imagining somebody being even brought to the gas chambers, and
shown that they were not gas chambers.  I remember the story they
taught us in my USA elementary school: that the paths to the gas
chambers were pleasant, with flowers on them.

Here in the USA, "nazi" is treated as synonymous with summoning the
devil, like mean words for african americans.  This makes sense,
because we're aware of entire races of people having their lives
forcefully taken from them, associated with the words.

The swastika is a religious symbol of the Jains, a religious group I
appreciate, who as their religion study never harming any living
thing, ever.

One relevent part of Nazism is how the leadership controlled the
narrative, and that narrative became the lives of their people.

> > 2 years jail begins.

I am imagining Germany, still trying to apologize for having
concentration camps, still trying to make the historical narrative
right, and not knowing how.  Prisons are always sad things.  Many,
many people are within them.

I am not well-read enough to have made this post in public.

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