Kevin McCullough calls out the bullshit it the ranks of the Republican
senators and governors - the sissification of the Rep party:

   First Fight! Then Win!

      … For the past three weeks the DC professional class has had
      whispered conversations with each other about Giuliani’s hair dye,
      Sidney Powell’s spelling errors, and some publicly pondered the
      seriousness of some of the witnesses being presented.

      You know what they weren’t whispering about?
      CARTOONS | AF Branco
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      The theft of freedom.

      The credible reports of systems’ ability to be hacked.

      The incredible coincidence of simultaneous shutdowns.

      The videoed documentation of vote totals switching.

      The bad behavior of fellow Republicans.

      And the general sissification of their party.

      It’s been pathetic to observe, stomach churning in its reality,
      and terrifying to our collective future.

      The silence has been contemptible. 

      Put simply, if you’re a Republican holding office after the 2020
      election, you do so because of President Trump. He dragged most
      your otherwise unimpressive and unpopular carcasses across the
      finish line. He did so with the broadest coalition of voters any
      Republican has assembled, and he got you elected based on his

      This last week, when videos surfaced of ballots secretly stored in
      a tabulation center, only to be taken out after poll workers and
      observers were sent home, every, Republican should have been
      burning up cell minutes and firing up landlines to assault the
      impotent governor and the criminally liable secretary of state in
      Georgia, expressing in strongest terms possible that a signature
      audit with complete transparency was the only acceptable response.

      … Every Republican governor in the union and there are 30 of them
      should have gotten on the phone to the governor of Georgia to
      offer him some unsolicited advice. How many made a call? How many
      members of Congress, the United States Senate, and newly minted
      state assembly and state senators?


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