Batshit Crazy is a Nazbol Turd who may have already lost his Nazi Kamaraden due 
to his strange, and unexplained love for Pentagon Jew-Boy, Jacob Applecheeks.

So now he has to suck up to his Bolshevik Commissar comrades by obfuscating 
anarchism as much as any moron like this Kremlin Troll can.

Marxists like this pice-of-Stasi-shit have been lying about anarchists for 170 

Bakunin then went to Brussels, where he again met Marx. Of Marx and his circle 
Bakunin wrote to his friend Herwegh:

The German workers, Bornstadt, Marx, Engels – especially Marx – poison the 
atmosphere. Vanity, malevolence, gossip, pretentiousness and boasting in theory 
and cowardice in practice. Dissertations about life, action, and feeling – and 
complete absence of life, action, and feeling – and complete absence of life. 
Disgusting flattery of the more advanced workers – and empty talk. According to 
them, Feuerbach is a “bourgeois,” and the epithet BOURGEOIS! is shouted ad 
nauseam by people who are from head to foot more bourgeois than anyone in a 
provincial city – in short, foolishness and lies, lies and foolishness. In such 
an atmosphere no one can breathe freely. I stay away from them and I have 
openly declared that I will not go to their Kommunistischer Handwerkerverein 
[Communist Trade Union Society] and will have nothing to do with this 

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