If able, please forward to GA Governor Kemp.

I have so far been unable to forward this to him.

On Sun, Dec 06, 2020 at 06:14:45PM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> So, quite possible nefariousness is afoot, and opportunity rises:
> Georgia Governor Brian Kemp is in a twitter spat with Trump, found here
> https://sputniknews.com/us-elections-2020-news/202012051081371757-trump-urges-georgia-gov-to-immediately-ask-for-special-session-of-legislature-on-election-results/
> :
>    Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump · 13h
>     I will easily & quickly win Georgia if Governor @BrianKempGA or the
>     Secretary of State permit a simple signature verification.  Has not
>     been done and will show large scale discrepancies.  Why are these
>     two “Republicans” saying no? If we win Georgia, everything else
>     falls in place!
>    https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1335268230206722048
>    Brian Kemp @BrianKempGA
>     As I told the President this morning, I’ve publicly called for a
>     signature audit three times (11/20, 11/24, 12/3) to restore
>     confidence in our election process and to ensure that only legal
>     votes are counted in Georgia. #gapol
>    https://twitter.com/briankempga/status/1335278871630008324
>    Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 5, 2020
>     But you never got the signature verification!  Your people are
>     refusing to do what you ask. What are they hiding?  At least
>     immediately ask for a Special Session of the Legislature.
>     That you can easily, and immediately, do.  #Transparency
>     https://t.co/h73ZfjrDt3
>    https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1335336916582084614
> Georgia is a lynch pin situation - GA will determine who controls the
> senate, and apparently much more yet.
> So Mike Pence was turning up Friday for a campaign rally in support of
> Georgian Republican candidates Sen. Kelly Loeffler and Sen. David
> Perdue.
> Kemp, Loeffler and Perdue were of course going to attend the rally.
> Loeffler and Governor Kemp failed to attend the rally.
> Why?
> Kemp's daughter was dating Loeffler's staffer Harrison Deal, who died in
> a firey (4 car) car crash at about 10am Friday morning.
> Suspicious timing.  Impressive "message" sent to the GA Gov. and team R
> if this was a murder - quite close to home you see (for Kemp).
> Is it any wonder that Kemp has "cold feet" in hauling for Trump and the
> people?
> Found here:
>    https://dailystormer.su/screw-the-senate-these-people-can-all-rot-in-hell/
> BUT!  If Deal's death WAS a message (was a murder) then the DemonRats
> are now skating on
> - you see it's all very well to send one single death message.  But send
> another such death/murder message in close time-wise proximity, and the
> whole world is on notice -
> AND there is a GREAT foundation for Trump to invoke martial law and
> send in the army to arrest, jail and hang many demon rats.
> So Guv, what's it gunna be, bud?!
>  a) Cowardice and failure for the Western world on YOUR head, or
>  b) an awesome reality of your life in justice, truth and righteousness
>     LIVED in the face of fear and intimidation?
> We the people are on the side of righteousness, truth and justice, so
> suggest you boldly stand forth, speak truth, live justice and seek
> righteousness...
> ...and feel the satisfaction and happiness within your Soul as a result
> :D
> Listen Brian: THIS is the way to live your life, living in truth and
> standing for justice!
> It's a bit scary occasionally but set that aside and go through it young
> man, go through.  De this for your daughter, for Harrison!
> And sure as the sun rises you will feel better about yourself and the
> world than you could ever have imagined...
> To recap, there are 3 classes of RINOs, Republicans In Name Only:
>    - RINO by choice, e.g. Mitt Romney
>    - RINO by compromise
>    - RINO by cowardice
> GA Gov. Brian Kemp, who will you be - a RINO by cowardice or a CHAMPION
> of freedom and the Republic?
> Let's pray for God's will to prevail, and for the hearts of men to be
> touched by courage, strength and love.

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