CCP Expert: We Can't Fix
Trump Via Wall Street But we can nail Biden

While retarded Biden-Dems (China's buddies) stoked "Black Lives
Matter" riots, wasted Corona money, locked down Megacity economies,
Censored and Scammed away all trust in election and remaining
political unity, Concocted RussiaHoax, etc...

In a picture on Hunter's laptop published to the internet... a 2017
gift of a 2.8-carat diamond that Hunter Biden received from CEFC
[China Energy’]'s founder and former chairman Ye Jianming after a
Miami business meeting.

And since it's much more likely Beijing will own WallSt than the other
way around...

Soon the world will see what a distraction scam RussiaHoax+BLM was
when China-Socialist-Communist-Marxist + Dems roots itself into every
country on earth...

And you can blame News Media, Big Tech, Democrats...

The just-revealed federal criminal investigation in Delaware is
focused on exactly the questions which corporate media outlets refused
to examine for fear that doing so would help Trump: namely, whether
Hunter Biden engaged in illicit behavior in China and what impact that
might have on his father’s presidency.

The allegations at the heart of this investigation compel an
examination of a fascinating and at-times disturbing speech at a major
financial event held last week in Shanghai. In that speech, a Chinese
scholar of political science and international finance, Di Donghseng,
insisted that Beijing will have far more influence in Washington under
a Biden administration than it did with the Trump administration.

The reason, Di said, is that China’s ability to get its way in
Washington has long depended upon its numerous powerful Wall Street
allies. But those allies, he said, had difficulty controlling Trump,
but will exert virtually unfettered power over Biden. That China
cultivated extensive financial ties to Hunter Biden, Di explained,
will be crucial for bolstering Beijing’s influence even further.

As Di shifted to his discussion of the new incoming administration,
his tone palpably changed, becoming far more animated, excited and
And Di specifically referenced the work Beijing did to cultivate Hunter:

Trump has been saying that Biden's son has some sort of global
foundation. Have you noticed that?
Who helped [Biden's son] build the foundations? Got it? There are a
lot of deals inside all these.

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