On Fri, Dec 25, 2020 at 08:46:29PM -0500, grarpamp wrote:
> ... then FIGHT BACK!
> Contact Congress and your States
> Call your Representative: 202-225-3121
> https://www.house.gov/
> Call your Senators: 202-224-3121
> https://www.senate.gov/
> Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Election.

   "There are several remedies in play. We will win but it requires you pay
   close attention and that you are willing to take appropriate,
   Constitutionally-permissable actions. We need to pound the phones. Get a
   hold of your state legislature.


   *HOUSE:  (202) 225-3121 *

   *SENATE: (202) 224-3121*

   "Demand they acknowledge the widespread fraud and get behind President
   Trump. And exercise the remedies afforded to us via the 12th Amendment.

All Republicans who fail to get behind Trump prior to 6th January 2021,
are going to be targetted for replacement.

The clock is very nearly run out...




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