Put to one side for the moment whether or not Assmange is fascist or not. 

Does his journalism or activism or ' cypherpunk revolution' , whatever justify 
our solidarity and support?

I would say, " No' , based on his record. He himself washed his hands of 
everything up to mid-2013 anyway.

( " I can rule from abroad " interview - July 2013 )

Then his anti-Hillary work was great and well worth supporting by all 

But the problem here is attribution.  That election was so close its hard to 
say if his contribution was decisive. 

Give him the benefit of the doubt and then new problems crop up with his 
closeness to Camp Trump.
Summing up - whatever small good he did in his active period - 2005 - 2019 its 
negated by the piles and piles of bad. 

Closer to Alex Jones and Hannity than Woodward and Bernstein.

Nothing really consequential to see here - sound and fury signifying nothing. 

A tale told by an idiot - and Pooter / LOL-GOP puppet.

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