Many great inventions were co-discoveries - calculus - evolution by 
natural-selections, etc.

I have to wonder if APster markets isn't another one.  Clearly Mongo knew about 
them though regarding them as a bug rather than a feature. 

Then STIFFS dotcom started sometime in the 1990's. 

Jim Bell's deathly silence every time they get mentioned is beginning to look 

Another claimant / pretender / carpetbagger is the libertarian moron, Robin 

Claims he was hawking networked prediction marts around various corporations in 
the early-mid 90's.

WL dead-enders might want to claim him as a cypherpunk revolutionary.  If the 
hairpiece fits...

The Nazi-fag-Assmange-libertarian-moron credo is certainly clear enough by 

" From each according to their gullibility - to each according to their greed "

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