Facebook Users Unable To Find Results When Searching For "Kyle
Rittenhouse" Amid Teen's Homicide Trial


Facebook users are unable to find anything when searching for the name
“Kyle Rittenhouse” in the social media platform’s search bar as the
18-year-old appears in court at his homicide trial in Kenosha,

But while his trial takes place, a Facebook search for Rittenhouse
turns up no results, even when using both the mobile and desktop
version of the platform.

A screenshot posted by Daily Caller shows no results when “Kyle
Rittenhouse” is typed into the Facebook search bar and Fox News found
the same result. The Epoch Times also found the same result.

Facebook search for Kyle Rittenhouse on Nov. 11, 2021. (The Epoch Times)

It is unclear why search results are not appearing. The Epoch Times
has contacted Facebook for comment.

Bizarrely, searches with the misspelled name “Kyle Rittenhouses”
showed results as did “Rittenhouse Kyle” and just the last name

Last year, Facebook admitted to blocking search results for “Kyle
Rittenhouse” immediately following the Kenosha shooting.

    “It’s not actually new,” a Facebook representative told The Verge
at the time.

    “We block searches for a ton of stuff..."

The social media giant also said it was taking proactive measures to
limit information in the wake of the incident, and a spokesperson told
The Verge Facebook had, “designated this shooting as a mass murder and
[had] removed the shooter’s accounts from Facebook and Instagram.”

Facebook confirmed to the Daily Caller in September that it had banned
all content in praise of Rittenhouse, including posts from users who
argue he acted in self-defense, and had placed him on a list of
“dangerous individuals and organizations.”

Vice President of Counterterrorism and Dangerous Organizations Brian
Fishman also told the outlet it had removed Rittenhouse’s Facebook and
Instagram accounts.

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