History has already shown that, once all the well documented
improper influence is subtracted out, Trump was the legit
winner, like it or not.
Prediction markets have not yet settled on degrees
and types of future corrections and compensations
the world will take. Countries having never forethought
and provided for such cases, history will figure that
out, and certainly not without volatility.
Among the lies of 1984, lay truths.

Victor Davis Hanson: History Will Grind Out The Truth


“History will figure that out on its own.”

That is what Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) recently replied to Dr. Anthony
Fauci, head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious

In a heated congressional exchange, Fauci derided the idea that the
COVID-19 pandemic was due to the leak of a dangerous virus, engineered
in the Chinese Wuhan virology lab — and in part funded by U.S. health
agencies, on the prompt of Fauci himself.

Fauci offered arguments from authority by citing his own expertise, as
well as that of “card-carrying” specialists.

But in truth, there is little evidence that any animal species has
been found infected with the SARS-CoV-2 virus or a close relative that
causes COVID-19 or a similar illness.

Many federal health experts increasingly believe the virus was
manmade. A number argue that it was likely a product of
gain-of-function research that was funded in part by a U.S. government

Others concede that Fauci and Dr. Peter Daszak — who was involved in
gain-of-function research, often in cooperation with the Chinese —
were not candid about the full extent of their ties to the Wuhan lab.

But despite Chinese resistance to releasing pertinent data, history
eventually will sort the truth out — as it does with most
controversies of the moment.

*  *  *

Five years ago, the New York Times, the Washington Post, most of the
mainstream media and the majority of the bipartisan Washington, D.C.,
political and government establishments insisted that Donald Trump had
colluded with Russia to rig the 2016 election.

In support of such conspiracy theories, they fixated on the so-called
Steele dossier. It was a supposedly independent research effort
detailing “proof” of Trump-Russian cooperation to rob Hillary Clinton
of the election.

That supposed evidence was the unspoken ground swell for a 22-month,
$40 million special counsel investigation of Trump conducted by former
FBI head Robert Mueller.

For over 650 days, the country was consumed with “Russian collusion.”
Cable news outlets, public television and radio pundits, along with
high-ranking Democratic politicians, almost daily announced the
impending end of the colluding Trump administration.

They peddled rumors of Trump’s supposed obscene activity in Moscow.
They spun tales of mysterious meetings between Trump’s family and
Russian operatives, and of Trump surrogates’ supposed trips to meet
with Russian colluding officials.

Christopher Steele, the architect of the “dossier,” had not been to
Russia in decades. He was a rank partisan in the pay of the Clinton
campaign — and for a time the FBI itself.

Five years later, history has almost sorted out the fable that the
most powerful, wealthy and influential Americans in the nation once
foisted upon the public.

Special prosecutor John Durham seems to be slowly indicting the
promulgators of the hoax. The earlier lengthy internal audit by
Inspector General Michael Horowitz cited wrongdoing on the part of the
Department of Justice and FBI.

The Mueller investigation failed to find any proof of Russian-Trump
collusion. The 2018 majority report of the House Intelligence
Committee came to the same conclusion.

The admission of false statements by former FBI interim director
Andrew McCabe, along with the felonious altering of a court document
by FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith, were other elements of the warped and
unprofessional behavior of the FBI.

Both Mueller and former FBI Director James Comey were unable to answer
fundamental questions while under oath about the dossier and the role
of its authors in spreading the collusion hoax. Mueller’s legal team
and Comey himself habitually leaked rumors that fed the collusion

History, however, is slowly sorting it out - despite the approved
narrative of the well-connected who misled the country to pursue their
own political agendas.

*  *  *

Someday historians of public health will unravel the full costs of
locking down most of America in reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic.

What are now near-taboo topics - the vigorous natural immunity offered
from prior infection, and the terrible damage done by the quarantines
- earn cancel culture damnation, employment suspension and media
calumny. But soon they likely will become matter-of-factly accepted as

*  *  *

The same will be said of the hysterical myths that surround the
unfortunate January 6 riot at the Capitol.

Five years from now history will show that there was no conspiracy, no
pre-planned “insurrection” — as the FBI has already concluded.

The late Capitol police officer Brian Sicknick was not murdered as was
alleged. Those “armed” inside the Capitol did not carry — much less
use — guns. The one violent death, that of Ashli Babbitt, was of an
unarmed female who was lethally shot by an officer for attempting to
enter through a broken window.

The solitary confinement, indefinite incarceration and inhumane jail
conditions accorded some of the accused will be shown contrary to the
Constitution of the United States of America.

In other words, history eventually will sort it all out.

Or as the second-century A.D. skeptic philosopher Sextus Empricus
noted, eventually the truth emerges and cosmic justice is rendered:
“The millstones of the gods grind late, but they grind fine.”

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