Black Hammer Org Forms Coalition With Proud Boys to Stand ‘Against
Fauci’s Mandate and the Left’  AntiMandate: BlackHammer
w ProudBoys

An anti-capitalist group that has been leading protests at the Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention Headquarters has officially formed
a coalition with the Proud Boys to stand together “against Fauci’s
mandate and the left.”

Black Hammer describes themselves as an “anti-colonial organization
that exists to take the land back for all Colonized people worldwide!”
However, as Gateway Pundit has previously reported, they have been
protesting alongside Trump supporters.

Though their politics seem to fall mostly on the left, the group’s
commander Gazi Kodzo has previously told Gateway Pundit that there is
nothing more important to them than opposing vaccine mandates.

On Monday, Black Hammer announced the new coalition — and faced swift
backlash from the left.

“BLM and Antifa goons immediately took to Twitter to decry our
organization, and our work feeding the homeless from Atlanta, to
Chicago, to Los Angeles, to Nairobi, in Kenya,” Black Hammer said in a
statement to Gateway Pundit.

    “Back in January, it was Black Hammer who declared war against
Antifa terrorists, who were burning down Black and Brown Communities.
Now, less than a year later, we are blessed to be building bridges
between working class and poor people of color and working class and
poor white people to stand up for our Constitutional rights,” the
statement continued. “If there was any doubt that Black Hammer is the
vanguard against Big Pharma and the fascist left-wing regime, we have
closed out the year brushing these doubts to the roadside.”

Black Hammer Commander-in-Chief, Gazi Kodzo first hinted at the
coalition in an interview this past Tuesday with Gavin McInnes.

During the interview, Gazi and Gavin reminisced how the Proud Boys,
founded by Gavin, had originally found each other in the Youtube
comments of Gazi’s videos. Things were originally less than friendly.

Now, the two groups have joined together to fight big pharma and the
Democrat establishment “who dances willfully at the end of their
puppet strings,” a spokesperson for Black Hammer told Gateway Pundit.

“The year 2022 only promises bigger and more exciting developments for
Black Hammer. Through incalculable odds, fighting against liberal
censorship, jail time, and social media woke mobs, Black Hammer
emerges at the front of a glorious movement taking the world by
storm,” the statement added.

“We know that this coalition will keep Antifa out of our communities,
and the jab out of our veins,” Commander Gazi said.

Members of the group were recently arrested and had their guns and
bibles seized during a prayer event just before a big planned protest
against the CDC.

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