Globalist Elites Give Privacy Options to Themselves but NONE FOR YOU!

Musk whines about opensource ADS-B twitter tracker.

Cops Judges Politicians Pharma and GovCorp
all get the priviledged Secrecy Treatment.

Apple Maps And Google Maps Blur Tim Cook's House After He Wins
Restraining Order Against Stalker

Apple Maps doesn't seem to mind showing the whole world your
neighborhood and your house, but when it comes to the privacy of CEO
Tim Cook - well, that's a whole 'nother issue.

The company's Maps app has erected a giant digital wall in Palo Alto,
where Tim Cook lives in a "modern, four-bedroom condo," according to
Cult of Mac. Google Maps has also followed suit.

The change took place after Apple was granted a temporary restraining
order against an alleged stalker, the report says. The stalker claimed
to be Cook's wife (who wants to tell her?), had threatened Apple's
boss and was also caught trespassing on his property.

Court documents filed in Santa Clara County show "a temporary
restraining order against an alleged stalker [that] contained copies
of emails sent to Cook," which included his home address.

His stalker once wrote to Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Tim Cook on
Twitter: “I notify you both unfollow each other. I can smell, see, and
feel both of you. Tim Cook is my bed man. My husband, my twins’ daddy.
Stop doing that shit!”

Google offered a similar service to Billie Eilish’s primary residence
after she was also granted a TRO last year due to a stalker that kept
showing up at her home.

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