i'm tentatively moving forward on the rtlsdr approach.

I've found an rtlsdrblogv3 dongle, a pigtail adapter I can cut to wire to a
probe, and i've instally pysoapysdr on a system.

i'm thinking it could be a few phases. first, measure a signal at all,
using direct sampling.

then, store the signal to a disk. thinking on a quick format. maybe a
dedicated directory containing paired files: a binary vector of complex64s
(with real component 0 for real-valued data), each with adjacent json

I was going to do sqlite but this system doesn't have py3 sqlite at this
time, and it's about as complex to relearn the api as to set up the
dirtree, maybe a little more.

but first, measure a signal at all, using direct sampling.

it gets harder for me near the radio being powered.

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