> Turkey is member of NATO, Zeynep better be careful because
> papi Erdogan probably doesn't like anyone embarrassing NATO,
> and definitely not him and his dumb ass government that
> apparently Turks love "voting" for, they should revolt into

I don’t vote

> Voluntaryism instead of foolishly creating more Govt Religion
> on top of themselves...

People in Turkey rebelled years ago. A rapid step backward was taken after the 
Gezi park protests in 2013, and an authoritarian process began.
My dad was injured in Gezi Park and a serious legal battle started here. 
Frankly, the government is politically targeting people here, myself included.


 Aydogan, who was injured by a gas canister fired by the police during the Gezi 
Resistance, claimed that he was detained by the police near his home in 2013 
after he filed a criminal complaint against then-Prime Minister and AKP 
President Tayyip Erdoğan, and that he was subjected to ill-treatment while in 
custody. The Constitutional Court (AYM) ruled that the police violated the 
"prohibition of ill-treatment" in the file that was closed with a decision of 

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