Politicians wordsmithing to keep the FUD
power and control going for as long as possible...

"Some Misinterpretation" - Fauci Flip-Flops: Walks-Back 'End Of
Pandemic' Comments

Having noted the apparent disconnect between increasing restrictions
and The White House denying it, Anthony "I am The Science" Fauci has
once again flip-flopped on his call that "the pandemic phase in this
country is over" - his exact words.

    "I want to clarify one thing. I probably should have said the
'acute component of the pandemic phase,' " Fauci said on National
Public Radio on Wednesday, one day after he said the country was "out
of the pandemic phase."

    "I understand how that can lead to some misinterpretation," he added.

We can only assume 'the science' changed overnight? (the 'political
science' that is).

*  *  *

"We are certainly right now in this country out of the pandemic
phase," White House Chief Medical Adviser Dr. Anthony Fauci remarked
during an interview with PBS Newshour.

    "Namely, we don't have 900,000 new infections a day and tens and
tens and tens of thousands of hospitalizations and thousands of
deaths. We are at a low level right now."

    “So, if you’re saying, are we out of the pandemic phase in this
country, we are,” he added.

Is this Biden-and-Fauci's "Mission Accomplished" moment?

But it's not over for the rest of the world...

    "Pandemic means a widespread, throughout the world, infection that
spreads rapidly among people," Fauci said.

    "So, if you look at the global situation, there's no doubt this
pandemic is still ongoing."

Earlier this month, Fauci also acknowledged that COVID would never be
“eradicated” and that “each individual is going to have to make their
calculation of the amount of risk that they want to take.”

The best hope is to maintain the coronavirus at low levels of
transmission and pursue intermittent vaccinations, Fauci said.

Fauci's 'brave' call comes just days after The CDC announced that
because so many people in the U.S. have now caught omicron and other
strains of the coronavirus, nearly 60% of the population - and almost
75% of children 11 and younger - now have antibodies to it in their

There's just one small problem... no one told The White House...

    Psaki: "COVID isn't over, and the pandemic isn't over."
    — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) April 27, 2022

While Fauci and other technocrats may be loosening the chains in the
short term, others have indicated that the push for new restrictions
will return before winter, and given the 'outbreak' that appears to be
ripping through Washington elites, nothing would surprise us less than
attempts to reinstate restrictions - because they all worked so well
last time and every time - for your own safety!

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