Leaked - Russia Hoax: Durham Staffer Accidentally Reveals Emails
Showing Coordination Between Fusion GPS And Media



Another significant filing by John Durham’s special counsel team to
the court was made Monday night.  {READ HERE} Within the filing the
staff accidentally did not seal the attachments which are emails
between Fusion GPS and many major media outlets.  Whoops.

First, the background.

In a previous liable lawsuit by Alfa Bank against Fusion GPS, the
Russian bank was able to get the internal emails between Fusion GPS
and major media outlets as part of the lawsuit discovery phase.
Despite the lawsuit failing to advance, those prior emails now become
evidence for John Durham to use in the case against Clinton lawyer
Michael Sussmann.

Michael Sussmann, a Perkins Coie lawyer, is accused of lying to the
FBI about who he was working for when Sussmann was trying to push the
Trump-Russia collusion story to trigger an investigation.  Former FBI
legal counsel James Baker has said Sussmann told the FBI he was
operating independently as a concerned citizen.  However, Sussmann is
defending himself by saying: (a) he never said he was not working for
Clinton at the time he brought the FBI the material, a demonstrable
falsehood; and (b) he was motivated by altruism, unrelated to efforts
to help Clinton, another demonstrable falsehood.

As the case has proceeded all of the parties are now claiming legal
and work product ‘privileges’ to stop Durham from using their
communication and networked conspiracy against Michael Sussmann, and
by extension them, in court.  Fusion GPS, Perkins Coie, Marc Elias,
Michael Sussmann, Hillary for America (Clinton campaign), Robby Mook
(Campaign Manager), along with Tech-Executive-1 Rodney Joffe, are all
claiming some form of privilege.

Monday night, in a responsive filing connected to all of the privilege
claims, John Durham deconstructed the nature of their defense.
Techno-Fog has a good outline {SEE HERE} of the court documents.
However, attached to the filing were exhibits supposed to be filed
under seal that the Durham staff “accidentally” did not seal right

The exhibit consists of the emails between Fusion GPS and media as the
opposition research team attempted to push the Trump-Russia collusion
story into the media bloodstream -through their ideologically aligned
allies- in 2016.

The emails show how extensive Fusion GPS co-founders Glenn Simpson and
Peter Fritsch pushed the Trump Russia story.  The emails show the
coordinated effort of Fusion GPS with multiple journalists, producers
and media outlets.  You can read the emails HERE.

I’m not going to publish the emails because the contacts, addresses,
phone numbers etc. are not redacted; but you can clearly see the scale
of who was involved.

The emails show journalists from Politico, The New York Times, Wall
Street Journal, The Washington Post, CNN, ABC, CBS and NBC all feeding
from the same trough of manipulated information being fed from Fusion
GPS.  The journalists, producers and Fusion GPS all working in close
coordination to push the false Trump-Russia collusion conspiracy.

The accidentally public emails highlight a soup-to-nuts ‘who’s-who‘ of
political disinformation. {SEE HERE}

Additionally, the Durham filing itself {SEE HERE} gives us another
granular look at how the prosecution is walking the tightrope of
carefully balanced prosecution of leftist activists, lawfare people
and political organizations outside government.

Within the filing the privilege claims are easily dispatched by
prosecutor Andrew J. DeFilippis, Assistant Special Counsel to John
Durham.  One key paragraph is a little funny in that the prosecution
uses the defense position against them.  The prosecution states the
“purported privilege holders who have intervened do so in a case in
which the defendant has denied representing any client when he brought
the Russian Bank-1 allegations to the FBI.”

The privilege controversy itself seemingly entraps Michael Sussmann.
How can Sussmann claim attorney-client privilege when his defense is
to say he wasn’t working on behalf of any client when he brought the
information to the FBI?   Whoopsie daisy.

All of that said, there’s another interesting aspect to this specific
filing if you stand back away from the granular legal details and look
at the arc of the prosecution within it.   It appears to me that
Michael Sussmann is not the REAL target of this prosecution, Marc
Elias is.

It looks like John Durham is using the prosecution of Sussmann, and
all the details within the case, to box in a very easy prosecution of
Michael Sussmann’s boss, the infamous Democrat lawyer, Marc Elias.
Read the filing and you see how Perkins Coie and Marc Elias are
clearly and purposefully outlined as having the major role in the
activity of Sussmann.  All prosecutorial roads against Sussmann are
leading to Elias.

That risk would certainly explain why Marc Elias left Perkins Coie
immediately after the Alfa Bank lawsuit against Fusion GPS revealed
the connective tissue, and then John Durham start focusing on Perkins
Coie and Michael Sussmann.

Given the ideological and political nature of the DOJ under AG Merrick
Garland and Deputy AG Lisa Monaco, it makes sense that John Durham
would not and importantly, could not, go directly at Marc Elias.

Marc Elias is the biggest Lawfare fish in the world of Democrats.  He
is the primary legal mind and legal entity around the entire Democrat
apparatus from elections to electoral maps.  Elias is the leftists
modern legal Moses.

If John Durham was viewed to be targeting Elias directly, his special
counsel investigation would be shut down tomorrow, regardless of
political backlash.  Marc Elias is to outside government as Barack
Obama is to inside government.

The DOJ would immediately stop Durham if he was obviously targeting
Elias.  Inside the firestorm that follows, the political media would
rally the wagons around protecting Garland, Monaco and Biden ….and
after a few days of republicans in the legislative branch gnashing
their teeth on Hannity, Ingraham et al, the explosive decision would
blow over.   DC would make or create some massive shiny thing to cover
the controversy.

Bottom Line: Marc Elias is protected by both wings of the
professionally political UniParty.

That said, if in the prosecution of Michael Sussmann, it became
obvious that Marc Elias was guilty of organizing a criminal conspiracy
to defraud the Unites States government on behalf of the Clinton
campaign, well, that would be incidental, and that’s how Durham could
get to Elias.

Marc Elias is likely to be the biggest catchable fish in the carefully
navigated prosecution of those outside government.

Keep watching.

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