"The timing of the leak (given the collapsing approval ratings) and
the immediate politicization by the Biden administration are mere
coincidence of course..."

Biden has a history of ignoring the Constitution and
getting smacked down by the Courts for it.

Democrats now inciting violence on live national TV, again,
according to their very own made up Jan6 definitions of "incitement"...
and completely ignoring another of the Supreme Court's decisions,
its definitions re incitement in free speech...

VP Harris on Roe v. Wade: 'This is the time to fight for women and for
our country with everything we have'

The head of planned parenthood is calling on people to storm state
capitals in response to Roe v. Wade being overturned. And the media
who has been telling you on a 24/7 loop that storming a capital is an
insurrection to rival 9/11 or Pearl Harbor are cheerleading it on.

Furious Elizabeth Warren rallies protesters outside Supreme Court: 'We
are not going back!'

Biden on the issue... word salad so bad it ranks as
bad as Kamala's word salad, lol...
"The idea that we're gonna make a judgment that is going to say that
no one can make the judgment to choose to abort a child based on a
decision by the Supreme Court I think goes way overboard."
Ohio Democrat Tim Ryan in September 2019: “I just think Biden is
declining. I don’t think he has the energy. You see it almost daily.
And I love the guy.

Biden does a 180 on issue.

Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer suggests court packing is on the table
if Democrats win in November.

Democrat Rep. Pramila Jayapal: “These [Supreme Court] justices are
acting like this is somehow something that they have the right to
change. They do not have the right."

In April, Democrat Congressman and U.S. Senate candidate Conor Lamb
BRAGGED about trying to force pro-life taxpayers to fund abortions.

SCOTUS Leak Sparks Rise In Democrats' Odds Of Controlling Senate/House
After Midterms

About six months until the midterm elections, a leaked Supreme Court
draft opinion signals the potential for Roe v. Wade to be overturned
after five decades. The news sparked speculation that if the highest
court in the land rules to overturn abortion as a "sacred" right to
women, it could spark political gyrations ahead of the elections in
November, and politicians on the Left were quick to pounce.

Jim Bianco of Bianco Research tweeted the question: "Will the Roe
decision impact the midterms?"

Bianco points to political future odds on PredictIt have seen a
"massive spike in volume" following the leak.

The first contract is "Which Party will Win the House in the 2022 Elections?"

Outlined in the chart is a surge in volume and a jump in odds for
Democrats from 11% on 5/1 to 17% on 5/2. Republicans saw a decline of
90% on 5/1 to 84% on 5/2.

The next contract is "Which Party will Control the Senate After 2022 Election?"

Again, another massive volume spike in political futures with
Democrats increasing from 22% to 28% and Republicans declining from
78% to 74%.

On Tuesday, President Biden reacted immediately to the leaked draft and said:

    "I believe that a woman's right to choose is fundamental, Roe has
been the law of the land for almost fifty years, and basic fairness
and the stability of our law demand that it not be overturned.

    "And it will fall on voters to elect pro-choice officials this November."

The Democrats now have a compelling message, something they lacked
this year as the highest inflation in four decades crushes working
poor Americans who struggle with record-high gas and food prices moved
to the right side of the political aisle. Now, there's a chance that
some middle of the fence voters could be swayed to vote Democrat based
on a potential ruling by the Supreme Court.

Still, Republicans have a significant lead over Democrats as a recent
Gallup poll suggests Americans are far less concerned about abortion
than other issues, according to Newsweek, which also said, "Roe v.
Wade may not have a major effect on Republicans' chances in the
midterm elections."

Mark Spiegel of Stanphyl Capital commented on Bianco's tweet and said:

    "I doubt that during our economic misery (due to inflation), this
"theoretical" decision will sway many votes in December.

    "The strong anti-choice crowd ALWAYS votes Republican and the
adamant pro-choicers always vote Democrat. Those in the middle will
prioritize their pocketbooks."

The timing of the leak (given the collapsing approval ratings) and the
immediate politicization by the Biden administration are mere
coincidence of course.

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