*Finally, read your work out loud. *No matter what your job is, chances are
you write at least one email per day. Listening to the words you put down
on paper will speed up and clarify your writing process.

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From: Harvard Business Review via LinkedIn <newsletters-nore...@linkedin.com
Date: Tue, May 10, 2022 at 9:28 AM
Subject: Super-Power Your Productivity
To: Gunnar Larson <g...@xny.io>

It can feel like 24 hours isn't enough time in the day, and all the...
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[image: Gunnar Larson]

HBR Management Tip of the Week
Quick, practical management advice to help you do your job better.
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Harvard Business Review
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Super-Power Your Productivity

It can feel like 24 hours isn't enough time in the day, and all the
productivity hacks in the world won’t change that. Here are four proven
strategies to help you make the most of your limited time.

*First, batch your meetings.* It’s hard to get into flow when you know
you’re going to be interrupted every hour. By knocking out all your
meetings at once, you'll clear out some undisturbed time to work on
deep-focus tasks.

*Second, do your best to learn some keyboard shortcuts *that can reduce how
much you rely on your computer's mouse and trackpad. This may seem like a
small thing, but over time, it makes a huge difference.

*Third, leverage your environment to change your self-destructive habits.*
If you're losing time because you’re distracted by your phone throughout
the day, leave it in another room. If emails are derailing your workflow,
pause notifications.

*Finally, read your work out loud. *No matter what your job is, chances are
you write at least one email per day. Listening to the words you put down
on paper will speed up and clarify your writing process.

Read the full article: “What Super Productive People Do Differently

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4 Ways Managers Can Increase Flexibility Without Losing Productivity

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Want to Be More Productive? Try Doing Less.

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