Australian High Court Barrister Michaela Banerji confirms with General Sands 
and UK Home Secretary Priti Patel that Stella Moris is not really Julian 
Assange’s lover. 1/ 2/ 3/ 4


Remember that rainbow photo of Stella with Assange? Just like the fake 
pregnancy pic and the two fake portrait pics, it never happened. See the 
original on her Twitter. They superimposed Assange’s face onto the face of 
another man. We think it’s the body of Stella’s real lover M.C. McGrath. THEY 
FORGOT to add Assange’s beard back to the right side of his face! 100% proof.

Julian Assange’s fake lover Stella Moris discovered as the secret lover of M.C. 
McGrath. As everyone knows, McGrath was funded MEGA BUCKS by PayPal’s founder 
Peter Thiel in what experts are now warning was a PayPal in bed w/ WikiLeaks 
money laundering scam. Remember: PayPal [blocked funds] to WikiLeaks, but then 
turned right around and funded McGrath $100,000 to create ICWatch hosted by 

One thousand comments by General Sands proving Julian Assange’s trial is held 
by City of London not UK jurisdiction. Assange’s “judges” Ian Burnett & Tim 
Holroyde are City of London. Old Bailey is City of London. Middle Temple and 
Inner Temple are City of London. The whole British judicial system is a scam. 
City of London is not the city of London. More on this story here. *

The article everyone is now quoting regarding CIA’s attempt to assassinate 
Assange is incorrect. First, let’s point out who Yahoo is. Rothschild begot 
Leon Black begot Apollo Global Management begot Yahoo. Nine Rothschilds busted 
with Epstein, and Leon Black gave Epstein $158 million. So that’s who Yahoo is. 
It’s the Rothschild/Epstein mob tied to Assange. Moreover, while CIA is indeed 
attempting to murder Assange, it’s solely because Assange defected CIA. Yahoo’s 
247 references to sources in that article were nameless, because the story was 
fabricated. General Sands talk to Michael Isikoff who doesn’t care Washington 
Post newsroom’s National Desk confirmed WikiLeaks is CIA.

Case 1:18-cr-00111-CMH

As promised, most of the 200 Internet domain names used in the making of this 
documentary have now been returned to the public domain, and the associated 
Facebook accounts * have been retired to preserve the public record. Special 
thanks to Fort Belvoir, US Marshals Office, FBI, Scotland Yard, US Navy SEALs, 
Interpol, US Homeland Security, CENTCOM and The Joint Staff. Special thanks to 
Anonymous. Our greatest thanks to General Sands for agreeing to be a part of 
this production, and we wish her well now in retirement.

Inspector Sands shadowed Julian Assange from 2010-2022. It was a journey which 
included Inspector living in Anonomobile, London, Ecuador & Washington, DC. 
During the film, Inspector accidentally hijacks Anonymous Million Mask March 
from CIA unbeknownst it was a George Soros operation which morphed from Occupy 
into Antifa. Inspector was attacked by CIA media, detained thirty times by US 
Federal agents, stalked by WikiLeaks, crowds of well-meaning but deceived 
Assange supporters and even MKUltra Frankensteins. Like all real superheroes, 
Inspector fought off killer mobs, was kidnapped, set up by WikiLeaks insider 
MI5 Agent Annie Machon and imprisoned for saving orphans from cannibals. 
Inspector was arrested at Assange’s home in the Hampstead cannibal kids case 
tied to WikiLeaks insider MI5 agent Annie Machon whose landlord is agent 
Belinda McKenzie who framed Inspector & Sabine McNeill. It’s why Assange leaked 
spirit cooking for Inspector which then sparked Pizzagate.

True spy thriller? Absolutely, and the plot thickened when US Marshals asked 
Inspector for assistance at National Press Club in Washington, DC. Fast forward 
7 years into the making of The Julian Assange Documentary, and Inspector (whose 
dad was Fort Belvoir) discovered Assange is a CIA MKUltra victim after seeing 
he’s completely framed in 9/11. It wasn’t too hard to figure out once the 
shocked passed knowing the WikiLeaks journalist who worked on all releases 
Stefania Maurizi’s boss’s boss is CIA MKUltra founder Allen Dulles. Inspector 
also discovered Assange’s family is not his family but is instead The Family 
cult known as CIA’s The Finders having tied him to twenty-two child sex slave 
torture camps. Further, it was Inspector who first revealed Assange’s trial at 
Old Bailey was conducted by Corporation of London outside UK jurisdiction with 
Lisa Baraitser’s acting company pretending to be Judge Vanessa.

Looking deeper, Assange came from Occupy which was a Soros op, and Soros came 
from Rothschild. Soros is further funded by CIA via USAID and funds Clintons 
credited with Assange for sparking Arab Spring resulting in US Army War College 
Sisi in charge of Egypt. Same people behind the violence in Catalonia. 
WikiLeaks also triggered Osama bin Laden’s 2011 hoax raid which ended in the 
deaths of dozens of Navy SEALs. No bin Laden body or trial, because sadly 
Intelligence already knew bin Laden died 2001 from kidney failure which is why 
Pakistan’s PM was assassinated right after she said it. Bush funded Assange’s 
DARPA training. It’s why Assange said 9/11 wasn’t that important anymore.

There was a reason WikiLeaks was not transparent. WikiLeaks was a CIA front. 
There was a reason all those whistleblowers found themselves dead or in prison; 
and, for some, the punishment of isolation was just an extension of CIA 
training. The reason no Intelligence agencies or journalists ever found Sarah 
Harrison or Snowden in Moscow Airport is because they weren’t even there. 
Snowden was CIA, and 99.95% of everything “he leaked” was never made public. 
All those awards for leaking 0.05% of nothing were for dumping CIA trash. All 
those stories were made up right down to the deaths of Aaron Swartz & Marine 
James Dolan murdered actually instead for their software program SecureDrop 
CIA’s Snowden now uses to funnel all mass media secret intake docs to Russia. 
John Barlow admitted he worked for CIA while founding Freedom of the Press 
Foundation with Julian Assange.

CIA’s Soros funded Barlow, Snowden & Manning and the trial’s two exclusive 
reporters Alexa O’Brien & Kevin Gosztola. Now Soros funds US State Department’s 
foreign service agent Rebecca Vincent at Reporters Without Borders for 
Assange’s trial. In 100 countries many mainstream and alternative media outlets 
are run by CIA with Soros. Democracy Now w/ Amy Goodman, Young Turks w/ Cenk 
Uygur and Pete Santilli are all Soros. Yanis Varoufakis w/ DiEM25: Soros. What 
about Alex Jones? He says he’s a cannibal. Fact is: Assange leaked “Collateral 
Murder” video while he was in Washington, DC and then just flew out no problem 
at all. US Homeland Security’s Blue Cell founded UC Global and guarded Assange 
the whole time he was in the embassy. We found the Knightsbridge secret tunnel 
and trap door leading to MI6 under the floor in the skateboarding video.

When you give to Julian Assange, you give to CIA, because all his lawyers are 
CIA. Like Assange’s chief lawyer CIA asset Baltasar Garzon, Assange’s lawyers 
were working for CIA including US DoJ’s Mark Summers, Geoffrey Robertson, 
Edward Fitzgerald, Gareth Peirce who freed bin Laden’s right-hand man, 
Rothschild’s agent Mark Stephens who holds Assange’s Power of Attorney and 
Special Agent Joseph Farrell funded by Soros who holds Assange’s surety. Garzon 
funded by Rothschild’s financial partner Rockefeller is a convicted spy felon 
who helped CIA ensure Pinochet never stood trial for their child sex slave 
torture camps in Chile. Even Rockefeller University was busted for 40 years of 
pedophilia. Garzon is the disbarred judge who worked with CIA to indict bin 
Laden, and Assange’s chief DC lawyer Barry J. Pollack is the lawyer for US War 
Court’s Chief Defense Counsel with more access to 9/11 secret docs than even 
the judge in Guantanamo. Send Assange to Guantanamo? Wouldn’t matter, cuz his 
lawyer is the lawyer for the guy who runs Guantanamo. Assange was placed on 
house arrest at a mansion belonging to Vaughan Smith whose dad was UK Queen 
Secret Messenger Service, and Soros funds Smith’s Frontline Club.

What happened? It was Rothschild. Jacob Rothschild heads Rothschild dynasty. We 
call him JR like the asshole in the TV series Dallas. With his own gold-plated 
boulevard running through the now former capital of Israel’s Tel Aviv, he’s the 
84-year old Antichrist running CIA’s boss Mossad. His Genie Energy partner CIA 
head Robert James Woolsey busted Assange in 1993 with Clinton. Woolsey also 
busted Assange’s cohort Kim Dotcom who had access to all bin Laden’s bank 
accounts. Woolsey is the guy who runs WikiLeaks for Rothschild with all the 
Russian ties. Woolsey is Assange’s CIA handler and Snowden’s boss. Baraitser is 
also tied to Woolsey & Snowden via Alexandre Djouhri, Nicolas & Oliver Sarkozy 
at Carlyle Group aka Booze Allen.

Rothschild funds Assange via Tony Tabatznik’s */ * Bertha Foundation with Robin 
Hood Holdings where Assange’s lawyer Jennifer Robinson works. More on her 
later. Tabatznik is tied to psychiatric torture camps in South Africa where 
Stella is from and hung with Assange’s chief DC lawyer now dead Michael Ratner 
of Center for Constitutional rights funded by Soros. Assange also worked with 
9/11 liar Donald Trump via Genie’s other partners Ira Greenstein & CIA’s Rupert 
Murdoch who had the 9/11 Pentagon attack & Jeffrey Epstein fake dead body 
exclusives. That’s how Trump Heights came about. Like Trump, all Genie partners 
were busted with Epstein.

CIA’s WikiLeaks was a whistleblower trap. Whistleblower Summit w/ Thomas Drake 
is run by Clintons, and Assange’s lawyer Amal Clooney raised millions for 
Clintons. Clooney’s best friend and Assange’s lawyer Jenn Robinson was the last 
person journalist Michael Hastings talked to before CIA blew him up. Jenn’s 
mentor is AUS High Court Commissioner Judge Michael Kirby who’s a pedophile 
convict. Jenn works for CIA’s Garzon, Soros, Murdoch & Rothschild who holds UK 
Queen’s purse. Get this: Assange’s lawyers and friends Helena Kennedy who 
defends mass murderer pedophiles, Vivienne Westwood who had a kid with CIA’s 
Malcolm McLaren and raised him in porn, Assange’s fake kid’s godmother M.I.A. 
(married to Rothschild’s financial partner NXIVM sex slave cult Bronfman) and 
Clooney work for, have sleepovers with and fund UK Royals busted for mass child 
sex slavery at Windsor Castle with Jeffrey Epstein, Harvey Weinstein, Jimmy 
Savile & Peter Nygard. Even Assange’s pals Gaga, Pussy Riot and Pamela Anderson 
all friends of spirit cooking’s Marina Abramovic funded by Rothschild. Eight 
Rothschilds busted with Epstein alongside Murdoch, Trump & Clintons, and 
Woolsey’s pal Rothschild crony Alan Dershowitz is Trump’s, Assange’s, Epstein’s 
& Weinstein’s lawyer. Assange pal Roger Waters hangs w/ Ghislaine Maxwell, and 
Rothschild funded her dad Mossad’s Robert Maxwell. Even Murdoch’s kid’s 
godmother Nicole Kidman has Satanic rituals at Rothschild’s directed by Kubrick 
who hangs with Assange. Are you starting to get the picture?

World Cup bench winner Adil Rami swears Pam was a forced publicity stunt. 
Assange’s head was pasted onto the lap photo of Pam. There’s a reason it looked 
like an elf Christmas card and why his thumb was deep purple in that photo. 
Murdoch made Pam. Pam who in 2022 *deleted* all photos of Assange on her 
Twitter. Pam who after unbuttoning her shirt and exposing her bare breasts to 
Assange in the Ecuadorian conference room was told by him to stay out of his 
life. Playboy is a CIA front, and we found that out through Castle Bank when 
Hollywood couldn’t get busted because of national security. Stella Moris on the 
other hand isn’t even Stella Moris. She’s Sara Gonzalez Devant tied to US Joint 
Staff Stephen M. Saideman and many times over pedogate. Saideman is NATO, 
Council on Foreign Relations, Carlyle Group, Booze Allen, US Army War College, 
US Navy War College & US National War College. Robert David Steele says every 
US military base abroad is trafficking children, and those kids are trafficked. 
She faked pregnancy and portrait photos of Assange with Murdoch and continues 
to lie about a relationship with Assange. Stella works for CIA’s Garzon. All 
the people who vouch for Stella belong to CIA, Soros and Murdoch.

Now listen to this, the guy who says he’s Assange’s dad and vouches for Stella 
is John Shipton, but he never spent any time with Assange as a kid, isn’t on 
the birth certificate and never made eye contact with Assange during the 
hearings. No photos of Shipton ever anywhere with Assange, and Shipton acquired 
ownership of WikiLeaks domains from CIA Chief Nicholas Natsios of Cryptome who 
WikiLeaks called their godfather. Shipton’s neighbors say he was very 
secretive, and they don’t know how he made his money. Eye witnesses say Assange 
never made eye contact with Shipton or Stella at his trial. Even Assange’s 
adoptive father Gavin MacFadyen funded by Soros was CIA MKUltra from Colorado 
having been institutionalized as a kid working for US Department of Defense and 
grew up to specialize in human experiments for US Army.

Assange was born in a CIA MKUltra hospital that was busted for exactly that. 
His own birth certificate isn’t even signed. The Family cult is CIA’s The 
Finders. They took orphans, bleached their hair white to make them all look 
alike on their faked passports, beat them, starved, raped, drugged and then 
inducted them into CIA. That’s what happened to Assange. Keep in mind Ecuador 
said they revoked Assange’s asylum, because his papers were not valid. 
Christine Assange is an actress having made no public appearance in NINE years; 
and, according to Assange’s supporters, her Twitters were run by imposters 
before they were dumped with 60,000 followers each. Dropped & unrenewed, 
General Sands scooped up both accounts before Twitter ultimately suspended 
them. Locals say Christine Assange still lives in the hills where the cult is. 
No photos of Christine Assange with boy Julian before he was age 39, and the 
only legal address Assange has is a PO Box at University of Melbourne in 
Australia where the cult leader had a wing named after him.

Same Melbourne where Clintons were the morning of 9/11 after being blamed for 
the Oklahoma City bombing to cover up the Whitewater investigation headed by US 
Rep Dana Rohrabacher who headed the fake bin Laden raid and made the Assange 
deal with Trump. Same Clintons who were in The White House 1993 WTC bombing to 
2001 WTC bombings. Same Melbourne where Vatican Treasurer Cardinal George Pell 
was busted for decades of mass child rape and then freed. Same place where Amal 
Clooney’s husband George hung with Assange at Hellfire S&M (painful public sex) 
Club who just celebrated their 25th anniversary at Royal Melbourne Hotel in the 
abandoned underground police station where more than half the force walked off 
disgusted with corruption. Same police who said they worked with Assange in 
pedophilia but never released the results of that investigation.

We have proof of everything. We want you to hear the story directly from 
Inspector and not from people who say they’ve talked to her. Assange sent his 
Press, PR, friends and paparazzi to Inspector. Even Assange’s colleague Michael 
Moore asked Inspector to work with him, but she told him he’s a Clintoncunt so 
that was that. WikiLeaks had secret “prolific” conferences about Inspector, and 
we have every reason to believe Assange leaked the Pop Will Eat Itself love 
letter referring to Inspector. “A love letter, surely,” Assange said. Inspector 
wishes to free Assange but with full accountability questioning his ties to 
9/11, Rothschild, UK Royals, Soros, Murdoch, Epstein, Trump, Clintons and “The 
Family” cult as CIA’s “The Finders”. Covering all that up would just be 
covering up for CIA.

Plenty more stories in this documentary like the mole on Lisa Baraitser’s face 
matching Vanessa Baraitser’s who’s a psychiatrist specializing in inducing 
stress; WikiLeaks adviser Ben Laurie heading Google Security; FBI informant 
Cassandra Fairbanks & Glenn Greenwald who got their starts in porn working for 
Soros; Jeremy Hammond’s dead fake mom & dad busted for pedophilia; Manning’s 
dead mom, Pam sticking up for Weinstein, vacationing w/ child sex trafficker 
Peter Nygard and hanging w/ Murdoch, Epstein & Hollywood pedophiles; Stella’s 
partner M.C. McGrath tied to Epstein; Assange ignoring Stella the whole time 
flirting instead w/ other women; Occupy DC head Kevin Zeese’s employee Nichole 
Caudill’s marriage certificate to Assange and her 300 lb. husband; Assange 
dumping Sarah Harrison for having sex w/ Snowden; Jacob Appelbaum’s sex w/ 
“Risk” filmmaker Laura Poitras; Snowden’s & Thomas Drake’s lawyer Jesselyn 
Radack claiming Assange’s PR man Trevor FitzGibbon raped her, swears Stella 
isn’t a lawyer all while covering up for agent Assange; Assange pal Siggi’s 
pedophile offenses who got thrown under the bus to hide Assange’s ties to CIA 
and CIA’s Anna Ardin & Sofia Wilen. Then there’s the murders of Seth Rich, John 
Jones, MI6’s Gavin MacFadyen, Arjen Kamphuis and good preacher Adrian Lamo. 
Tons more to talk about like Daniel Ellsberg as a CIA asset per Douglas 
Valentine; Assange as a CIA asset per Robert David Steele; Assange’s US Army 
bodyguard Dan Sommer w/ more ties to US State Dept & US Embassy in Iceland, and 
Birgitta Jonsdottir partnering w/ Assange enemy & Clinton funders Intercept who 
took his leaks and doctored them like they did before and again w/ BlueLeaks. 
There’s even Hillary Clinton bribing Assange for pedophilia involving JR’s son 
Nat Rothschild, but what’s most important is Rothschild.

Frankly, what we have here is JR running Corporation of London NOT subject to 
UK jurisdiction w/ $32T in offshores at London Stock Exchange w/ Bank of 
England and in Reno. Same outfit behind Pentagon Reservation and why it’s a 
reservation. JR runs Top 10 US think tanks, Top 5 AI firms, partners at Genie 
with US Treasury Secretaries AND via institutional investing runs Facebook, 
Google, YouTube, Amazon, Microsoft busted w/ Epstein, US private prisons via 
Vanguard, Blackstone/BlackRock AND runs The White House via Genie’s partners 
Ira Greenstein & Woolsey. Furthermore, JR runs UK Queen who heads UK, Belmarsh, 
AUS, CAN, Order of the Garter knighting even Spain’s king and 6M secret society 
Freemasons who founded US Gov. It’s Synagogue of Satan’s Rothschild Zionists 
pretending to be Jew (Rev. 3:9). Moreover, Rothschild funded both sides of 
WW1/WW2 & UN Security Council’s China/Russia/UK/US fake fight just like 
Republicans v Democrats fake fight, cuz they’re both run by CIA. Same with 
Biden, Bush & Bill Clinton. US is run by CIA run by Mossad run by Rothschild 
who’s royalty in China where Trump has his private army with US Navy SEAL Erik 
Prince aka Frontier Services, Blackwater, Xe, Academi. JR’s Genie partner 
Murdoch’s News Outdoor owned all the billboards in Russia. 9/11 Cheney? He’s 
JR’s partner at Genie. The name of the covert military criminal government 
intelligence enterprise FBI Chief Ted Gunderson talked about tied to Satanic 
rituals you ask? You got it: BAE Systems formerly British Aerospace run by 
Rothschild whose employee ran the largest pedophile ring busted in history tied 
right into Pentagon Reservation. 

Questions remaining are these: How much of Assange’s lies were under CIA 
MKUltra duress? Will Assange publicly speak? Did they wash his mind like they 
did other MKUltra victims, because it’s CIA’s black widow spider Stella who 
broke the news Assange “had a stroke” and lost his memory. Will they replace 
him with a body double like the fat guy they wrapped up like a taco they used 
in the arrest? Will anybody ever hear Assange say Stella is his lover instead 
of just taking CIA’s word for it? *

What we believe is Julian Assange defected CIA, because otherwise he would have 
taken the photos with Pam and Stella instead having to be photoshopped into 
those photos.

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