Rooftop Koreans Apr29 Saigu Rooftop Koreans Rooftop Korean Wavemix
Funny it was against cali law to have a loaded gun in california.
Signed into law by Reagan in the late 60s
It was passed by a Democrat controlled assembly and Democrat
controlled senate. Signed by a republican governor. Both parties are

This photo is from downtown LA during the Rodney King Riots. It is a
reminder of what happens why the 2nd amendment and our rights to bear
assault rifles shall NOT be infringed.

Link to a video that explains the story of what happened and why the
Rooftop Koreans are American Heroes for arming themselves to protect
themselves and their property from chaos and villainy.

There is a conspiracy to tell you that you don’t need to defend
yourself with a weapon, but even in this “civilized” and modern
society, where rioters and mobs outnumber and outrun law enforcement,
you need to be able to defend yourself. The police, the army, none of
them will save you if these events repeat themselves in our lifetimes.
Considering the overall health of the country, that day is looking
like it’s getting closer and closer.

Something that seems to have been lost in the telling of this story
over the years is that the LA police, who were doing nothing for
nobody that day........see the Reginald Denny beating for an
example......swooped in and carted all the Rooftop Koreans off to the
station house and as soon as they were gone their stores were
immediately looted and burned down by the mob........predictably so of

Rooftop Koreans, OG Korean gangsters having gun fights with people
stealing in thiers shops. In the United-States people have to have
guns to defend them or thier shit if not it would be hell on earth,
don't get me wrong it kida is ATM but it will be worse if people give
away thiers weapons...

Exactly. Things will get worse in this country if the state is the
only group that is armed. It never works out, hasn’t in all of human
history. Don’t let foreigners bark that they have low crime rates.
They have tyrannical governments oppressing them constantly and
forcing mandates and corrupt and hypocritical rules on them.

Imagine a huge crowd of blm, antifa and leftists coming to destroy
your existence for some stupid reasons and you have only a kitchen
knife to defend yourself and your family.

We don’t have to imagine it anymore, they’re in every city in America
thanks to the media

Reginald Denny didnt have a gun. He got yanked out of his truck and
beaten close to death. Black on white ass beating.

The main takeaway from this story as an analogy for current times
should not be about "self defense" it should be noting what happened
when these people tried to defend themselves and that was that the
police who were doing absolutely NOTHING then decided to step
in.......arrested all these guys that had the rifles, carted them off
to the station house which of course allowed the mob to swoop back in
and burn all those stores down.......same then as it is now........see

Well if you ever have an intruder in your home and the cops don't show
up in time I'll just blame you for not having bars on your windows. If
you have to use a kitchen knife to defend yourself I will again blame
you for not securing your home well enough. After all, the intruder
wouldn't have been harmed if he couldn't get in.

You should really give humans a break, honestly. Do you realize what
we evolved from? What is naturally in our DNA? Kids fight naturally.
We can be very violent creatures, because we are only RECENTLY TAMED
ANIMALS. Once you realize this, you may find more happiness in life.
Just be glad you're more evolved/civilized. Not everyone is. And I
truly believe it's not always their choice.

Whats an assault rifle?

It’s a rifle that every American should own if we lived in a country
that still followed the United States constitution. What the
government owns, we the people should own.

There were no assault rifles in the videos, only at most your everyday
dead common vanilla AR/AK/Mini semi-auto box-maggers, shotguns,

This country needs more roof Koreans!

I love this image. It's a pity we didn't have teams of korean shooters
lining the rooftops during the most.recent BLM riots lol.

That’s because a supporters were given up as sacrifices to the
establishment as far right wing radicals.

Just look at Kenosha

So inspirational actually. I love the bandanas too. Such badasses
defending their livelihoods. True heroes for their families. I wonder
if any of them got military training in the country they are from..
(S. Korea maybe?).

Yeah I loved this. Exercising their rights, using solid tactics, being
immune from claims of "muh racism" due to their minority status.

Weren’t the riots also caused by a Korean store owner shooting a
teenage girl she mistakenly thought was stealing a thing of Orange

I guess it depends how narrow of a view you wanna take. I’d argue
there were some underlying causes, but yes the trigger was the not
guilty verdict of those police officers who beat the shit out of
Rodney King.

Freemason Socialist Trudeau neutered the Canadian men and banned their
guns. Freemason liberal Biden and the democrats are hard at work
trying to ban America's guns. Soon, the freemasonic NWO will be a
reality, and freedom will be a thing of the past.

Kyle Rittenhouse was found innocent because he committed no crime. The
leftoids lost their minds over it and forgot about it a week later

I am quite aware of the story. It's a great modern day self defense
story, imo, and along the lines of what you were referring to

The real story of Rittenhouse is that he shot 3 rioters and managed to
hit a literal serial child rapist, a felon carrying an illegal
firearm, and a woman-beater.

People have no clue how fragile "society" really is, when it breaks
down and options vanish, a firearm is the best defense.

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