The worlds most powerful govt was stronger in 2003 than it is now. But it 
didn't take action against APster being used against it then - APster without 
anonymity & electronic cash - and then being used against it every year since ( 
" Kill the president " year in, year out for Shrub, Bambi, Dumbfuck and Biden )
That's my test-pattern. Its all on disc. We won the crypto wars, remember!
Of course its only prudent to utilize anonymity in many places still ( KGB 
Russia, Marxist DPRK, etc )  And here - once again - we have list members with 
empirical knowledge in that area. Gramps, Skunk and Semich remain anonymized to 
this day.  This list is the great, the almost omnipotent teacher. Those three 
may never be doxxed.
Now there may be some power disparities opening up - especially in the Russia 
and red-fascist China regions - but don't forget we also have crypto-currencies 
since 2008, more people online all the time and more reinforcements are 
expected. ( Q-crypto and strong AI )
The real power trend is very since 2005 - why its ' the Internet Century ' and 
not ' the American century '. Nothings going to stop us now.  Our ' Killer App 
' is just one viral tweet away.  But youse knew all that.  Didn't youse?

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