> Biden-Dems losing numbers...

Dems wasted $500M to their cronies in one state alone,
instead of spending it on their pandered victims...

California Spent $500 Million On Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
Training, Report Reveals


California has spent up to $500 million on diversity,
equity, and inclusion programs in its local government,
K-12 school districts, and higher education in the years
between 2020 and 2022, according to a report from a
nonprofit watchdog group.

The Center for Organizational Research and Education (CORE)
researches activist groups to report on their “funding,
agendas, and tactics.”

“In recent years, the concept of critical race theory and
its variants—often camouflaged as more generic
‘diversity, equity, and inclusion’ (DEI) activities,
has entered the national spotlight, and infiltrated
publicly-funded entities,” CORE said.

The analysis summarizes the results of 400 public record
requests sent to state and local governments, and higher
education and K-12 institutions in California, CORE said.

“The results are unmistakable: spending related to DEI
and critical race theory-framed activities is a vast and
growing component of taxpayer-funded spending at all levels
of California government,” CORE stated.
DEI has become its own $1 billion industry funded by
taxpayer dollars, CORE said.

“Based on the responsive documents our team received, we
calculated at least $188 million directly linked DEI
spending, and $308 million more in adjacent spending,
totaling nearly $500 million in possible DEI spending in
California,” CORE said in its report.

The total DEI represents 46 percent of requests for public
records of DEI spending sent out, CORE said, with less than
11 percent of institutions responding that they had no
records related to the request.

“Considering roughly 40 percent of our requests are still
unfulfilled, we expect the true amount is much higher,”
CORE said. “Our findings are proof that critical race
theory and DEI are a vast and growing part of the
California government.”

Anti-Racism in the Department of Conservation

CORE points to the Department of Conservation, which,
“despite experiencing some of its worst-recorded forest
fires and water shortages,” the department spent $180,000
of its environmental budget on including critical race
theory in its training.

“This included nearly $88,000 in training geared toward
critical race theory and racial equity themes from
contractors well connected within the state of
California,” CORE said. “In a set of emails obtained
through the records request, the Department of Conservation
staff discuss the purchase of over $9,000 worth of Ibram X.
Kendi’s book, ‘How to be Anti-Racist,’ specifically
to be handed out to staff including ‘Supervising’ and
‘Senior’ oil and gas engineers in the Department’s
Geologic Energy Management Division.”

“It is unclear whether reading Kendi helped the engineers
tackle California’s power shortages that summer,” CORE

Tapping into the Office of Workplace Equality’s $906,000
budget, the Department of Water Resources spent over
$414,000 toward DEI goals, which included a full-time DEI
staff person who earned $171,747 in salary.

“The department also conducted various anti-racism
training sessions totaling $53,000 over the two-year
span,” CORE said.

Bias Training in Local Governments, Universities and Colleges,
and K-12 Schools

On a local level, CORE said DEI-related spending activities
totaled $110 million in county governments and nearly $90
million in city governments, creating a “layered cost for

Twenty-three of California’s public colleges and
universities accounted for almost $103 million in
DEI-related spending, the report found.

CORE reported that a total of $36 million in DEI spending
accounts for the 16 schools that responded.

“DEI experts—funded by taxpayer dollars—also seem
particularly focused on turning schools into laboratories
for progressive viewpoints,” CORE said.

`California's Newest Billion-Dollar Industry'

Both Fox News and the Daily Caller initially reported on
CORE’s analysis of spending.

A spokesperson for Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom
told The Daily Caller, “Unlike some states that aim to
‘both-sides’ the Holocaust or erase slavery from
history books, in California, we do it differently. We’re
proud to be the most diverse state in America—we don’t
just tolerate that diversity, we celebrate it. So instead
of engaging in clickbait culture wars, we’re going to
stay focused on educational excellence and economic

The argument for critical race theory is often that it’s
teaching real history, while those who would have critical
race theory removed are trying to “whitewash” history;
however, there’s been no evidence of any public school
attempting to erase entire sections of its curriculum on

“Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion is becoming
California’s newest billion-dollar industry—on the
taxpayer’s dime,” CORE lead researcher Will Coggin told
Fox News Digital.

“It’s everywhere from kindergarten in the classrooms to
the Department of Fish and Wildlife. Instead of effectively
addressing issues like housing, crime, or homelessness,
California officials have chosen to line the pockets of
well-connected diversity consultants,” Coggin said.

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