Boss was standing at the edge of a cliffside parking lot looking over a 
beautiful vista of factories, forests, cities, and lakes. It reminded him of 
his office.

Boss: "I think I'll quit my job and work for another boss!"

Boss pranced off to find Torture Victim Double Agent, who was panhandling to 
pay of his debt for being funny looking.

Boss [knowing how to talk to TVDA, possibly translate if wrong, maybe insert 
mind control trigger from network]: "Hello! I'm here to work for you. You're my 
boss. Tell me what to do."

TVDA [gushing with happiness]: "Boss!"

TVDA is overwhelmed with excitement to be working for, I mean with, Boss again, 
but given the importance of Boss's job assignment to be a boss himself, TVDA [] 
pulls himself together and takes charge. This involves some dissociation with 
help of his mind control network.

TVDA: "Here, wear this sign saying "I was abused by a billionaire slavelord," 
hold your head at an angle with your jaw hanging loose, and stand next to this 
tin. We need to make as much money for Boss as we can."

Boss is excited about his assignment. He puts on the sign, goes next to the 
tin, and stands determinedly with his jaw hanging loose.

Torture Victims Double Agent steps covertly off to the side, to quietly rummage 
through a city disposal container for another tin.

  • MCBoss Spinoffs 4 Undiscussed Past Horrific Abuse, One Victim Of Many

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