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"Get A Warrant" - ATF Agents Attempt To Confiscate Solvent Trap Components

A new report from the gun blog website AmmoLand Shooting Sports News
claims that Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF)
agents are paying visits to law-abiding gun owners' houses to
confiscate solvent trap components.

AmmoLand's John Crump claims, "multiple law-abiding gun owners have
contacted me about visitations by ATF agents attempting to get the
individuals to hand over solvent trap components purchased on
This is a solvent trap.

Solvent traps are devices that can be used when cleaning firearms to
catch the cleaning solution if poured down the barrel. The device
helps prevent mess and if in the field, can help prevent harmful
chemicals from being dumped into the environment. They can also be
used as makeshift silencers.

We pointed out earlier this year that ATF considered solvent traps as
suppressors. This comes as some gun owners legally bought the devices
and manufactured them into homemade suppressors, then filed a National
Firearms Act "Form 1" with the ATF and paid a $200 tax to own them

Crump provides an example of ATF agents showing up at a man's house
earlier this month. Agents demanded he turn over solvent trap

    "On the week of August 14th, a Louisiana man was visited by an ATF
agent who demanded he turn over solvent trap components that were
acquired through GunBroker Auction seller RifleRemedy2000. The ATF
agent produced the Warning Notice pictured below. The man, fearing
retribution and unwanted persecution by the rogue agency, agreed to
sign a letter stating he had destroyed the items and no longer
possessed the items the ATF has now deemed to be suppressors regulated
by the NFA."
    Source AmmoLand: The ATF agent delivered this Warning Notice to a
Louisiana man regarding his purchase of solvent traps from account "RifleRemedy2000."
    Source:AmmoLand: The second page of the Warning Notice purchase of
solvent traps from account “RifleRemedy2000."

Then there's this. On Thursday, a Florida man recorded ATF agents
demanding he turn over the device.

    "This video was captured by Nick, a Charlotte County, Florida man
who multiple ATF agents visit his home. Nick had purchased solvent
trap components through GunBroker seller RifleRemedy2000 and had paid
for the tax stamp to complete a form 1 self-made suppressor.

    "Apparently, the man had enough solvent trap components to make
more than one, self-manufactured suppressor, and the ATF was demanding
that he hand over the materials to the ATF for confiscation and
destruction. This man exercised his right to remain silent and asked
the ATF to "come back with a warrant." -- Crump

The video provides a unique view of an encounter between a private
citizen and federal agents who deliberately intimidated the man. Gun
Owners of America (GOA) posted the video of the conversation.

Here's commentary from GOA on the video above.

    The ATF agents got upset because a man exercised, not only his 2nd
Amendment Right to Bear Arms, but also his 4th Amendment Rights, by
refusing a warrantless search.

    Any door to door "enforcement" by the ATF is too much.
    — Gun Owners of America (@GunOwners) August 26, 2022

ATF agents showing up at homes of gun owners have recently been making
national headlines. We reported last week that agents are showing up
at homes of people who bought legal forced reset triggers for
AR-15-style rifles that were recently classified as "machine guns."

Also, video footage last month captured a Delaware man stunned when
special agents rang his doorbell and asked if they could do an
inventory audit of his legally-obtained firearms.

    ATF agents and a #Delaware state officer showed up to a man’s
house without a warrant demanding to see his #firearms. #2A
    — Sarah Fields (@SarahisCensored) July 20, 2022

And last summer, we told readers that the "puzzle pieces were all laid
out" - in terms of how the ATF, weaponized under the Biden
administration, would try to ban semi-automatic rifles.

Here's what Biden said this week about banning guns:

    You heard that right folks, Joe Biden says that if America elects
two more Democrat Senators, they will ban assault weapons.
    — Gun Owners of America (@GunOwners) August 26, 2022

The rise in the ATF's door-to-door operations at homes of law-abiding
citizens is disturbing as Second Amendment appears to be under attack.

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