> Donald J Trump won the 2020 US Presidential Elections.

Who can deny that this Democrat Deep-State Censorship Programme
alone stole at least 5% from Trump... that doesn't include all
the Bias-Censorship in the News Media... all of it is Election Fraud...

Will David Barrett continue denying truths?

Twitter, Facebook Regularly Coordinated With Biden Admin To Censor Users


Newly released internal emails from Facebook and Twitter show an
extensive effort to coordinate with the Biden administration to censor
users, according to a Thursday release of information by GOP Attorneys
General Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Jeff Landry of Louisiana.

Throughout the emails, officials within the Department of Homeland
Security (DHS) and Health and Human Services (HHS) emailed Facebook
and Twitter employees with instructions on flagging instances of
alleged misinformation, and guided them with talking points to counter
allegedly false narratives on the platforms.

In one instance, a CDC official asked Facebook for monthly meetings to
plan "debunking" strategies, while in another case a White House
official requested the removal of an Anthony Fauci parody account.

    🚨 According to newly released emails obtained by state AGs,
Facebook & the Biden admin arranged weekly/monthly calls to discuss
what to censor on the platform.https://t.co/m8UKZEBby9
    — Vince Coglianese (@VinceCoglianese) September 1, 2022

"We have already received a number of documents that clearly prove
that the federal government has an incestuous relationship with social
media companies and clearly coordinate to censor freedom of speech,
but we’re not done," said Schmitt in a joint statement. " The
Department of Justice is cowering behind executive privilege and has
refused to turn over communications between the highest-ranking Biden
Administration officials and social media companies. That’s why,
yesterday, we asked the Court to compel the Department of Justice to
produce those records. We’re just getting started – stay tuned."

    🚨In May, We filed a landmark lawsuit against top ranking Biden
Admin. officials for colluding with social media companies to censor
free speech. We have already received documents that show their cozy
relationship, and now we’re demanding more. 🧵
    — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022

More via AG Schmitt's Thursday release:

The communications already provided by the Department of Justice to
the plaintiff states show, as the joint statement points out, a vast
“Censorship Enterprise” across a multitude of federal agencies. In
response to Missouri and Louisiana’s interrogatories, defendants
identified 45 federal officials at DHS, CISA, the CDC, NIAID, and the
Office of the Surgeon General (all of which are contained in either
DHS or HHS) that communicate with social media platforms about
“misinformation” and censorship. The joint statement points out, “But
in those responses, Defendants did not provide information about any
federal officials at other federal agencies of whom they are aware who
engage in such communications with social-media platforms about
misinformation and censorship, though Plaintiffs had specifically
asked for this highly relevant information. Defendants’ document
production, however, reveals that such officials at other federal
agencies exist—for example, their emails include extensive copying of
officials at the Census Bureau, and they also include communications
involving the Departments of Treasury and State.”

Beyond the Department of Justice’s production, “Meta, for example, has
disclosed that at least 32 federal officials—including senior
officials at the FDA, the U.S. Election Assistance Commission, and the
White House—have communicated with Meta about content moderation on
its platforms, many of whom were not disclosed in response to
Plaintiffs’ interrogatories to Defendants. YouTube disclosed eleven
federal officials engaged in such communications, including officials
at the Census Bureau and the White House, many of whom were also not
disclosed by Defendants.”

    The same senior official sent a later email to HHS and noted,
"Thanks again for taking the time to meet earlier today." Then, the
official continued to discuss how Facebook is taking even more steps
to censor freedom of speech https://t.co/gYz2RtXlNF
    — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022

The joint statement continues, “The discovery provided so far
demonstrates that this Censorship Enterprise is extremely broad,
including officials in the White House, HHS, DHS, CISA, the CDC,
NIAID, and the Office of the Surgeon General; and evidently other
agencies as well, such as the Census Bureau, the FDA, the FBI, the
State Department, the Treasury Department, and the U.S. Election
Assistance Commission. And it rises to the highest levels of the U.S.
Government, including numerous White House officials. Defendants have
objected to producing some of the most relevant and probative
information in their possession.”

This “Censorship Enterprise” is proven by the Department of Justice’s
productions thus far, but the full extent of federal officials’
collusion with social media companies on censorship is unknown until
the Department of Justice produces further communications requested by
Missouri and Louisiana.

A senior Facebook official sent an email to the Surgeon General
stating, “I know our teams met today to better understand the scope of
what the White House expects from us on misinformation going forward.”
This email chain follows the SG’s “misinformation health advisory” in
July 2021: 

The same senior official sent a later email to HHS and noted, "Thanks
again for taking the time to meet earlier today." Then, the official
continued to discuss how Facebook is taking even more steps to censor
freedom of speech:

Twitter scheduled a meeting to debrief top White House officials on
“vaccine misinformation.”:

    There are several instances where Facebook wouldn’t proceed with
censoring freedom of speech on their platform until they had input, or
a “debunking” from the CDC. Twitter followed the same course in at
least one email. pic.twitter.com/9alXrgvq6P
    — Eric Schmitt (@Eric_Schmitt) September 1, 2022

There are several instances where Facebook wouldn’t proceed with
censoring freedom of speech on their platform until they had input, or
a “debunking” from the CDC. Twitter followed the same course in at
least one email.

    Example 1: 
    Example 2: 
    Twitter example:

The CDC also proposed a monthly pre-debunking meeting with Facebook to
help them censor free speech
as well as regular “Be on the Lookout” calls with major social media

A White House official was even concerned about parody Fauci accounts
and coordinated with FB to take them down:

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