Donald J Trump Won The US 2020 Presidential Election

The story of when one-sided Political Influence... freshly wielded by
the hands of Democrats, GovCorp, Deep State... infests News Media,
Social, Tech, Elections Rules, Schools, Medicine, and everything else
you formerly thought was legit. Just how much corrupt influence did
they conspire and impart to tilt elections and other affairs...
certainly much more than the needed 5%.

Behind every "Conspiracy Theory" is a significant history and
basis in fact. And times like these in which facts become public.
"Years of internal DHS memos, emails, and documents — obtained via
leaks and an ongoing lawsuit, as well as public documents — illustrate
an expansive effort by the agency to influence tech platforms."
The emails and documents show close collaboration b/w DHS & private
sector. Twitter's Vijaya Gadde (fired by @elonmusk last week) met
monthly with DHS to discuss censorship plans. Microsoft exec texted
DHS: "Platforms have got to get comfortable with gov't"

Last month.
The Columbia Bugle @ColumbiaBugle
Senator @HawleyMO Grills Facebook Executive And Gets Him To Admit That
They Have Coordinated With The Biden Administration To Censor
Constitutionally Protected Speech
Since 2016, when Democrats decided they can't win elections unless
they control the internet, they have, each year, escalated their
attempts to force and coerce Big Tech to censor for them, using
CIA/DHS/FBI as well. It's a clear 1st Amendment violation:
Lee Fang is on Tucker Carlson...
Earlier this year, DHS launched a widely panned "Disinfo Governance
Board" which it later shuttered following criticism. But the same
agenda lives on w/ DHS sub-agency "CISA" which argues disinfo is a
threat to American "critical infrastructure" #dhsleaks

DHS official working on disinfo noted, during an internal strategy
discussion, that the agency should use third party nonprofits as a
“clearing house for information to avoid the appearance of government

Facebook and Twitter created special portals for the government to
rapidly request takedowns of content. The portals, along with NGO
partners used to censor a wide range of content, including obvious
parody accounts and content disagreeing w gov pandemic policy.

FBI agent Laura Dehmlow was in communications w Facebook that led to
the suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in 2020 over the
false allegation that it was “disinfo.” This year, she met w/
Twitter/DHS to stress “we need a media infrastructure that is held

Great work by @lhfang to expose crucial evidence on the
most-overlooked point about Big Tech censorship: This censorship is
not done at the sole or even primary initiative of Big Tech. It is so
often done in conjunction with the US Govt and US Security State,
which demands it:
Lee Fang @lhfang
Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating w/ Dept of
Homeland Security, FBI to police “disinfo.” Plans to expand censorship
on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info
that undermines trust in financial institutions.

The regime of censorship being imposed on the internet – by a
consortium of DC Dems, billionaire-funded "disinformation experts,"
the US Security State, and liberal employees of media corporations –
is dangerously intensifying in ways I believe are not adequately

I love when a Matrix glitch reawakens the ACLU. For the story I did
last year on DHS pressure to censor, I reviewed case law banning the
state from using private actors to censor, and quoted one of the
still-great ACLU lawyers as saying this:
The First Amendment bars the government from deciding for us what is
true or false, online or anywhere. Our government can’t use private
pressure to get around our constitutional rights.

I'm glad that there are a handful of TV shows willing to critically
report on the US Security State, and how it is the real director of
Big Tech's banning of online dissent. Fortunately, the only shows that
cover it are the only ones with an audience:
Stephen L. Miller @redsteeze
Why isn't he on MSNBC or CNN instead?

The story Lee, along with @kenklippenstein broke, is one of the top 10
most important acts of reporting this year. I highly encourage you to
read their article. See Lee's amazing thread here. DNCAaron is
actually upset and confused it's being covered.
Lee Fang @lhfang
Docs show Facebook and Twitter closely collaborating w/ Dept of
Homeland Security, FBI to police “disinfo.” Plans to expand censorship
on topics like withdrawal from Afghanistan, origins of COVID, info
that undermines trust in financial institutions.

Democratic partisans in media are really the stupidest people ever to
live. Lee and Ken broke an indisputably huge story with original
documents showing the US Security State's role in censoring the
internet, and DNC boys like @ryanlcooper can only think to complain
he's on Fox.

"Behind closed doors, and through pressure on private platforms, the
U.S. government has used its power to try to shape online discourse."
Facebook and Twitter created special portals for the government to
rapidly request takedowns of content. The portals, along with NGO
partners used to censor a wide range of content, including obvious
parody accounts and content disagreeing w gov pandemic policy.

Twitter’s employment contract with (now former) CEO Parag Agrawal

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