The Pomp Of Politicians And Climate Activists

Pomp of Activists and Politicians

This weekend AOC's climate change documentary earned only $80 per
theater despite rave critic reviews.

OutKick reports AOC’s Clime Change Documentary Fails Hard

    Film critics say the film titled “To the End” is splendid. It
holds a 88% “fresh” critic score on Rotten Tomatoes. The doc has not
yet generated an average rating from the audience.

    But despite critics raving about AOC’s beauty and intelligence,
moviegoers have shown no such interest in the film.

    The documentary earned an average of just $81 per theater during
its debut weekend. “To the End” sits atop no lists of box office

    A failure this great falls on par with the embarrassment that is
Jemele Hill’s book sales. Per publishing data, Hill’s new
self-purported journey in overcoming racism has sold just $5,034
copies after a month.

    AOC, Hill, racial hysteria, and climate change propaganda play
well on social media. The press loves those women and their “issues.”
Yet most of the country does not care.

    There’s minimal demand to buy a ticket to watch rich, privileged
women stroll around and screech about climate change.

Totally Boring Trailer

If that's not overwhelmingly boring, what is?

The hype is constant and has been consistently wrong. The word did not
end in the 10 years after which activists said it would.

The world will still be here in 2050.

UN Seeks $4 to 6 Trillion Per Year to Address Climate

Q: What Percent of GDP?
A: 4 to 9 percent for developing countries, and 2 to 4 percent for
developed countries.

And developing countries will gladly fork over up to 9 percent of GDP
every year for eight years.

Yeah, right.

Meanwhile, the EU is burning more trees and coal. Burning trees is
magically deemed environmentally neutral.

Meanwhile, President Biden is sucking up to Venezuela so that it will
pump more oil. Note that Venezuela's oil is sour, loaded with sulphur.

What a hoot.

Hypocrisy, You Bet

    800 private jets flew to Egypt to tell you to ride your bike to
work. #COP27
    — Lynne McCarthy (@LynneMcCarthy) November 20, 2022

President Biden, the UN, and the Climate Lobby Seek to Spread More
Fossil Fuel Misery

Also consider President Biden, the UN, and the Climate Lobby Seek to
Spread More Fossil Fuel Misery

Team Biden in Action

    On November 12, president Biden's climate ambassador, John Kerry,
made this statement:

    "It's a well-known fact that the United States and many other
countries will not establish…some sort of legal structure that is tied
to compensation or liability. That's just not happening."

    Guess What Happened

    In case you are wondering about the Secretary-General's statement
regarding a loss and damage fund, John Kerry signed up for it at the

What about solar energy roof tiles?

I am glad you asked. President Biden is more concerned over a couple
hundred manufacturing than promoting solar energy. Tariffs have driven
up the costs that few want to install the roof tiles.

Where we will get the metals for batteries and how we get clean energy
from the desert to Chicago cheaply are both mysteries. The attempt
adds to inflation.

And China is going gangbusters building coal-powered electricity plants.

Reparations, bribes, inept tariff policies, sucking up to Venezuela,
and mandating policies that are not close to being ready are all part
of the Biden-AOC-Warren packages.

Hype or not, fusion is a far better bet on fixing the problem than the
misguided stupidity of politicians and activists.

But to do that you need the cost-free gravity containment system of a
star, which you do not have.

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