Will Universities Ever Admit They Were Wrong About COVID Policy?



Former White House adviser Dr. Scott Atlas, the Robert Wesson Senior
Fellow in health policy at Stanford University's Hoover Institute,
wrote an excellent essay recently in the Wall Street Journal.

In it, he raises a vital question for all students, parents, faculty,
and the broader public, as to how our nation's university system
became, along with major media, the most aggressive proponent and
distributor of medical ideology and biosecurity policy.  University
behavior continues to be directed by the CDC and WHO, and it appears
that university administration will continue its commitment to a
consensus posture toward the COVID phenomenon, until another
institution that it considers authoritative tells it otherwise.  That
is not likely to happen.

Academia will never account for its misguided COVID policies, and it
will never back out of its commitment to consensus explanations or
opportunities.  Indeed, these people will help accelerate the entire
COVID complex.  COVID is a new social engineering program, and
universities will make biosecurity, including molecular engineering
and tracking technology, into a permanent research activity that is
worth billions per year in funding and commercialization.  The link
connecting business, government, and higher education has never been
stronger, while China-style social credit scoring, based in part on
medical and ideological compliance, is considered by the current White
House administration a necessary part of the political agenda.

For universities to admit that they were wrong would not only
undermine their authority and risk their research funding, but also,
most of all, put their senior administration in legal jeopardy.
University directors, trustees, regents, and other governance bodies
are keen to avoid liability, and university legal and communications
departments are working overtime to shield their institutions from
blowback, including vicarious liability.

Image: Oregon State University.

Plaintiff litigation, including class action, appears to be gaining
momentum, as the evidence necessary to make durable causes of action
against university administration is coalescing from widespread
sources (serious health complications due to vaccines, for example).
Legal theories are being formed to seek damages that could easily
reach in the billions of dollars.  Some universities could face

COVID-related damages may be the next large-scale, long-term
litigation project that rivals tobacco and asbestos.

The lawyers in the modern university system know that and have
effectively put out a gag order to avoid university

But the best legal strategy they possess is to push the same COVID
explanations, while actually escalating their commitment to them.

 They continue to expand the spectrum of biosecurity research that has
penetrated nearly every department in the modern university system.

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