Biden DOJ Stands Accused Of Hiding This Evidence Of Biden-China
Corruption: Sperry

Authored by Paul Sperry via RealClear Wire,

The Justice Department is not disclosing to the public or Congress
links between President Biden’s son Hunter and brother James and a
corrupt Chinese government agent who doled out millions of dollars in
bribes. It has scrubbed the connections from court documents and is
suggesting it doesn’t have evidence clearly in its possession.

In addition, the department appears to be trying to silence another
disreputable partner from coming forward to tell what he knows about
the Bidens' Chinese connection.

In 2016, FBI counterespionage agents began collecting voluminous
evidence against Chinese national Chi Ping “Patrick” Ho, who was
suspected of paying off officials and their families around the world
in exchange for oil rights for a China-based energy conglomerate he
represented which has ties to Chinese military intelligence.

>From emails, text messages, phone calls, bank records, and other
evidence gathered from wiretaps and searches of Ho’s offices in D.C.
and New York, investigators discovered that Hunter Biden and his uncle
James were targets of Ho and CEFC China Energy, which had struck up a
business partnership with the Bidens. The deal, sealed in 2017, netted
the Bidens almost $6 million for unspecified work, at least $1 million
of which was paid directly by Ho.

DOJ prosecutors were able to indict and convict Ho in 2018 under the
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act for his role in a bribery scheme aimed
at former United Nations and African officials. Though the evidence
also potentially implicated the Bidens, who failed to register as
foreign agents of CEFC, prosecutors did not pursue charges against

Republican congressional leaders investigating Biden
influence-peddling say the DOJ is actively covering up the illicit
connection. Here’s how:
Failing to Turn Over Surveillance Evidence

Despite Senate Judiciary Committee requests, DOJ refuses to turn over
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act materials the FBI used to spy on
Ho in 2016 and 2017. DOJ claims the FISA information may not even

“Unfortunately, we are not in a position to confirm the existence of
the information that is sought if it exists in the department’s
possession,” then-Deputy Assistant Attorney General Joseph Gaeta told
GOP Sen. Charles Grassley of Judiciary in a letter.

But the FISA applications and material do exist — according to a sworn
acknowledgement by former U.S. Attorney Geoffrey Berman, who
prosecuted the Ho case.

In Feb. 8, 2018, he notified Ho’s defense team and the court of his
“intent to use Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act information” in
the case, including “information derived from electronic surveillance
pursuant to FISA.”

A former Democratic congressional staffer, Gaeta recently left DOJ to
take a top job at Democracy Forward, a Democratic Party shop formed in
2016 to bring legal challenges to Donald Trump. It is chaired by
former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Marc Elias, who commissioned
the discredited Steele dossier that fabricated ties between Trump and

If Hunter Biden and his uncle were mentioned in the FISA wiretap
materials, it’s a closely guarded secret.

The affidavits to “electronically monitor” Ho and his contacts remain
classified and under seal, along with the FISA material collected from
the wiretaps – including “foreign intelligence,” according to court
documents. Ho’s defense team had access to the FISAs as part of
discovery, but when they tried to introduce information from them as
evidence, the court ruled it “classified” and “inadmissible.”
Redacting Hunter Biden's Name

During Ho’s 2018 trial in New York, federal prosecutors strained to
keep secret his partnership with the Biden family.

In at least one court exhibit, Hunter Biden's name was redacted from
an email that agents obtained from Ho. One of the prosecutors in the
case asked the judge to keep jurors in the dark about Ho's powerful
American connection, because he said DOJ did not want to “introduce a
political dimension to this case,” records show.

Emails the feds seized from Ho during their investigation show one of
his CEFC advisers tried to arrange a private Washington dinner in
December 2015 with their boss, CEFC Chairman Ye Jianming, and someone
whose name was redacted by DOJ prosecutors. (Although the name wasn’t
made public during the trial, in an email to a mutual business
associate found on Hunter Biden’s abandoned laptop, however, Ho’s
adviser had invited “Hunter” to attend the dinner.)

Further explaining his reason for censoring the name, DOJ prosecutor
Daniel Richenthal told the judge “the name of that individual could
introduce a political dimension to this case that we don’t think is
worth dealing with." Ho’s lawyers argued the redaction was

In May 2018, federal prosecutors reached out to Hunter from the
Southern District of New York, which handled the Ho case, information
found on Hunter’s abandoned laptop reveals. It’s not clear what they
discussed. Richenthal is a Democrat who has given money to the DNC.

DOJ also redacted sections of transcripts of audio recordings captured
from Ho’s phone conversations from the New York prison where he was

More than a dozen filings and hearing transcripts from the Ho case
remain under seal, locked in a court “vault,” according to the docket.
Ho’s connection to the Bidens went unmentioned in DOJ press releases
about the case.
Suppressing a Tipster's Leads

The Justice Department allegedly has suppressed leads provided
investigators years ago on the Bidens related to CEFC by a former CEFC
consultant close to both Ho and Hunter Biden.

DOJ is seeking the extradition of the tipster Gal Luft, a former
senior adviser to CEFC China Energy who was arrested last month in
Cyprus for charges tied to the illegal export of arms to China.

However, Luft maintains he’s “never been an arms dealer” and that the
real reason the Biden administration wants to bring him into custody
is to silence him from cooperation with congressional investigations
into Hunter’s business dealings with CEFC and other Chinese entities.

Luft said he met with FBI and DOJ investigators in 2019 and gave them
incriminating information on Hunter, but they did not pursue the leads
he gave them. His lawyers recently told DOJ he plans to submit a
letter to Congress detailing statements he made in that interview.

“DOJ is trying to bury me to protect Joe, Jim & Hunter Biden,” Luft
claimed in a Feb. 18 tweet. He threatened to "name names” of
department officials whom he says are trying to cover for the Bidens.

It was also in 2019 that the FBI was given a copy of Hunter Biden’s
laptop hard drive by a Delaware computer repairman several months
after the younger Biden abandoned the device there. The laptop
contains numerous documents featuring Ho, CEFC Energy Fund and its
U.S.-based subsidiary, the China Energy Fund Committee, which Ho ran
from D.C. FBI whistleblowers have told Congress that their supervisors
in Washington suppressed the laptop evidence and even claimed,
falsely, it was Russian “disinformation."
Withholding Other Non-Laptop Evidence

Congressional investigators say it’s clear from the court proceedings
in the Ho case that the FBI and DOJ are sitting on more evidence
related to the Bidens' illicit ties to the Chinese government than
what is contained on Hunter Biden’s laptop hard drive.

“DOJ likely possesses additional evidence related to CEFC and Hunter
Biden given the seizure of Patrick Ho’s iPad and email accounts in
November 2017,” House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer said
last month.

FBI agents also confiscated a Huawei cell phone from Ho when they
arrested him at JFK International Airport that month, DOJ records
Suppressing 'Kevin' Dong Evidence:

Meanwhile, in the Senate, Grassley believes DOJ may have also
electronically monitored Gongwen “Kevin” Dong, another CEFC agent tied
to the Bidens. Grassley has demanded DOJ also turn over any FISA
materials related to Dong. However, DOJ has stonewalled this request

Dong is the CEFC principal who signed a joint venture contract with
Hunter Biden and who initiated most of the wire payments to him via
pass-through entities in 2017 and 2018. In effect, Dong was the
Chinese bagman for the Bidens and the millions in cash they raked in
from China.

Throughout the legal proceedings, prosecutors made it plain they
believed Ho was a dangerous Chinese agent, but they never breathed a
word about his $1 million in payments to Biden's son and brother.

Hunter Biden first engaged with CEFC in 2015, while his father was
vice president. (See main article.)

Former assistant FBI director Chris Swecker points out that the
CEFC-Biden deal had the hallmarks of a Chinese intelligence operation.

He notes that Hunter Biden was well aware of Ye’s and Ho’s links to
Chinese intelligence. In an audio recording found on his laptop,
Hunter described Ho as “the fucking spy chief of China.” Hunter’s
ex-business associate Tony Bobulinski says their Chinese partners –
whom he described as “intelligence” assets – weren’t looking to make a
“healthy” return on investment in the CEFC deal, but rather viewed it
"as a political or influence investment.” Bobulinski says he has told
the FBI in interviews that Joe Biden himself was cut in on the CEFC

Swecker said the FBI and DOJ no doubt suspected the Chinese were
targeting the Bidens as part of an influence operation and
intelligence-gathering operation. By asking the FISA spy court to
authorize surveilling Ho, he said, counterintelligence agents believed
the foreign national was working covertly for the Chinese government.
Such warrants can only be granted for targets suspected of being an
agent of a foreign power or a terrorist group, which means FBI agents
were searching for evidence of espionage.

“Hunter’s and Jim’s dealing with CEFC had aroused counterintelligence
concerns inside the FBI, “ said Ben Schreckinger, author of “The
Bidens: Inside the First Family’s Fifty-Year Rise to Power.” “The FBI
had Hunter under surveillance."

Neither Biden was accused of wrongdoing in Ho’s criminal bribery and
money laundering scheme involving former United Nations and African
officials. Hunter and his attorney did not respond to messages seeking
comment. Attempts to reach James Biden were unsuccessful.

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