Deep State canceling many this week, 1984 shuts down Tucker Carlson
and a bunch of others including Andrew Anglin of Daily Stormer...

Andrew Anglin April 24, 2023
Wtf is This Shit
Tucker Carlson apparently just either got fired or quit Fox News.
And my Twitter account, several hours after the 12-hour suspension
ended and I was allowed to use the account again, is now showing like
it’s totally locked.
Also, Twitter seems broken.
I don’t have time for this right now.

Andrew Anglin April 24, 2023    
It’s Just One of Those Days
It’s not really one of those days where there’s some kind of problem
or whatever.
But real life stuff happens, and I can’t write anything good or go
through and finish my meme collection.
You people know I’ve worked 365 days a year for 10 years straight now, right?
And still you get all of your daily news items, of course, which is
the only thing anyone was ever promised.
I’ll be back tomorrow with the full memes, a very funny article about
my recent 12-hour Twitter ban, and many more great things.
Until then, enjoy the news.
And also send crypto.


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    Wtf is This Shit

    Andrew Anglin

    I don't have time for this right now.
    It’s Just One of Those Days

    Andrew Anglin
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    South Koreans Completing Tasks from Cash-Giving Apps for Cents
Because of Economic Crisis

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    Man in Custody Battle with Ex-Girlfriend to Stop Her from
Trannifying His 3-Year-Old Son

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    Chicago: Yoofs Who Stole Car, Caused Crash That Killed 6-Month-Old
Get Charged with Misdemeanors

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    San Francisco Target Locks Down Entire Inventory Because of
Shoplifting Crisis

    Elvis Dunderhoff

    What a racist thing to do.
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Abortions Gets Fired

    Elvis Dunderhoff
    EPA Ignores Court Order Banning Terribly Toxic Herbicides, Lawsuit Claims

    Elvis Dunderhoff
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Get Charged with Misdemeanors

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    Elvis Dunderhoff

    Your rights are making people sick.
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    South Koreans Completing Tasks from Cash-Giving Apps for Cents
Because of Economic Crisis

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    Man in Custody Battle with Ex-Girlfriend to Stop Her from
Trannifying His 3-Year-Old Son

    Snake Baker

    She also wants to get him vaxed against Covid.
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    Elvis Dunderhoff
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    Andrew Anglin


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    Andrew Anglin
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    Andrew Anglin
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    Andrew Anglin
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    Andrew Anglin
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    Andrew Anglin
    Happy Easter, Everyone. Christ is Risen.

    Andrew Anglin

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Snake Baker

Up to a year in prison if it passes.
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Snake Baker

Oh noes!
Leftists Do Not Understand Rightist Beliefs and Do Not Appear to Even
Understand Their Own Beliefs

Andrew Anglin

I am in touch with humanity.
Japan: Court Gives Ugandan Dyke Refugee Status

Snake Baker

The government tried to deport her.
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Andrew Anglin

If none of this seems to make sense, it's because it does not make sense.
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Snake Baker

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Elvis Dunderhoff

Gay anal is expensive.
The Science to Release Genetically Engineered Bacteria to Eat Carbon
Dioxide from Air

Elvis Dunderhoff

It's like the plot of a budget horror movie.
Washington: Middle School Staff and Students Participate in Creepy Licking Game

Snake Baker

Get the Dalai Lama out of our schools!
The Science Using Gene Therapy to Make Men Infertile

Elvis Dunderhoff

Gene editing should be banned.
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of Global Warming Hoax

Elvis Dunderhoff

Climate Change is a PSYOP.
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Snake Baker

It's not Ukrainians they're getting.
Australia: Fascist Basketball Association Bans Tranny from Women’s League

Snake Baker

Bitches can't handle the competition.
Boomer Kills 20-Year-Old Woman After She Pulls Into Wrong Driveway

Elvis Dunderhoff

This could have been prevented if women were banned from leaving the house.
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) Tries to Hide Child
Trannification Procedures

Snake Baker

What a fitting acronym.
Demographic Countdown
shekels plz goyim
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