If my local govt decides to follow China and give away money while promising 
not to spy on small transactions then sign me up.  I figure the overall effect 
of switching to electronic money means cryptoanarchy is made faster and easier.
We've already seen the worlds most powerful Govt squib full-blown-fascism when 
they last had the chance.
That window of opportunity closed over two decades ago.  Even if all the worlds 
govts combined now they could not roll out full-blown-fascism. The best they 
can do is covert-fascism where they ' collect it all ' then store it where its 
only read by spider-bots. 
And this brings us to Worldcoin which has some similarities with Palantir and 
the 9-EYE's 
>From a cypherpunk informed point of view biometrics are all bad. So Worldcoin 
>is condemned out of hand. Moving off the reservation though a place may be 
>found for any new technology promising utilitarian outcomes. Kludges might 
>also improve this to an acceptable standard where the ZK-proofs are secure and 
>the whole thing is networked via quantum PKI.
Gall’s Law states that all complex systems that work evolved from simpler 
systems that worked. So let it be with WC.
And hand over my fuckin' money.
I wanna run some more deadpools on world leaders ( and serial pests like Gramps 
and Semich )

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