Democrats "Want The Chaos" At The Border

Authored by Steve Watson via Summit News,

Senator Josh Hawley urged Friday that the Biden administration is
intending to “collapse the immigration system” on purpose and that
“they want the chaos” at the border.

“I think the plan is exactly what you’re seeing, they want the chaos,”
Hawley told Fox News host Laura Ingraham, adding “The plan is to try
to collapse our immigration system completely, collapse the courts
collapse the asylum process, overrun the border.”

“That is the plan. That’s what they want. They want the chaos,” The
Senator reiterated, adding “If you thought the fentanyl problem in
this country is bad. You thought it was bad in my state, where it’s
the number one cause of death in the state of Missouri for young
people. Just wait because they are about to turn it on full throttle.”

Hawley continued, “The drugs that will come across this border, the
crime that will come across this border, the danger to our families
and our communities, it’s going to be unlike anything we’ve ever seen
in terms of border crossings in our country’s history.”

“It already is, and they haven’t even lifted title 42 yet,” Hawley
continued, adding “They want the immigration system to collapse
because the Democrat Party’s base now flies around and jets and
conferences in Davos and are a bunch of globalists who want to drive
down the price of labor in America.”

“They want to drive down wages for blue-collar workers in America.
They want to do the bidding of the global multinationals. That’s who
runs the Democrat Party today,” Hawley asserted.


The situation at the border is critical with the highest number of
illegal crossings ever recorded in the past week, following the end of
Title 42.

    Video: Cruz Slams Border Chaos As “Nothing Less Than An Invasion”

The media is gaslighting as usual.

    WaPo’s headline - after a week that just saw the highest number of
illegal crossings ever recorded w/ 83,000+.

    “At the border, a reset but no surge.”
    — Bill Melugin (@BillFOXLA) May 13, 2023

Reporter Bill Melugin related that this past weekend the Border Patrol
arrested an Afghani individual at the border who is on the terrorism

    .@BillFOXLA reports that border patrol agents arrested an Afghan
national who crossed illegally and was on the FBI's terror watchlist.
    — The Post Millennial (@TPostMillennial) May 14, 2023

How many more are getting through unimpeded?

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