Those peddling 'Cybersecurity Defense' are hell bent on
creating 1984 with heart of 666.

AI... that one coveted evil ring and final enabler that none
having any power today will fail to lust after.
The only option is to destroy it.

The bits of Society and Infra worked just fine before they went
"Cyber" and forced everyone onto it, for Power's sake.

Paul Rosenzweig ( @RosenzweigP
The likelihood of a Geneva Convention for AI development is about the
same as the chances of a Geneva Convention to set the rules for
cybersecurity and cyberconflict ... which is to say, precisely zero.
Maine Senator Angus King shed his elected status in order to speak to
his fellow senators as an expert witness, upon which he declared his
authoritative belief that "the next Pearl Harbor or the next 9/11 will
be cyber."

Rory Cormac @RoryCormac
wise words from the Foreign Office in 1970: "In keeping firmly in mind
the prevalence of disinformation activities, we must be careful not to
become so suspicious that we no longer believe anything we hear
[...this would be] doing part of the disinformer's job for him"

Everything an agenda, unless it refuses to impart itself upon you.

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