Contrary to Grarpamp's misleadingly abridged quotation of me, I actually
wrote in my article: "To date, speculation is all that's possible"
referring specifically to the identity of the party or parties issuing
legal threats to Coffee County. "To date" because I believe open
meetings law will eventually enable journalists/litigants to make it
clear who the party or parties were. But Grarpamp if you already have
tangible proof of the legal threat(s) beyond what to date can be
reasonably speculated, feel free to publish it now and thereby help

There are definitely arguments to be made for openly publishing the
Dominion Voting Systems proprietary code -- a la the Vault 7 megaleak --
but these MAGA or MAGA-ish operatives who intruded on the Coffee County
elections building have NOT done that. They have only made  (portions
of?) the code available, in contrast, to a subset of their own allies
for their own partisan purposes, more Leak Keeper-type behavior. And, as
at CPAC recently, they have misrepresented what the proprietary code
they made off with contains.

Setting aside the actual operatives' actual dishonest and illegal
actions, someone could counter-argue that making the Dominion
proprietary code openly available would be less like Vault 7 and more
like jeopardizing needed social services -- e.g., fire trucks, hospitals
-- that in today's world are unfortunately run by the state. There are
legit experts now, e.g. J Alex Halderman, assessing the code, and all
that's linked in my article, including Halderman's report recently
unsealed by the federal judge in the case against the Georgia Secretary
of State.

Grarpamp's takes reflect his failure of basic reading comprehension. So
one could assume if the Dominion Voting Systems code is someday leaked
openly in full -- and it may well be before all this is over -- Grarpamp
would not be among these able to read it and produce thoughtful

On 2023-06-22 09:19, grarpamp wrote:
> On 6/21/23, Douglas Lucas <> wrote:
> "speculation is all that's possible."
> The article debunks itself right there.
> Just as pathetic as Rat's emptywheel
> and palmerreport articles.
> And the public, thus any members of it, has
> right to obtain inspect copy and distribute all
> election SW and HW as they see fit.
> And if you can't build a voting machine that
> can stand up to even such basic attacks,
> then quit using fucking voting machines.
> Nor do we see Douglas Lucas acknowledging the actual
> well known election fraud facts, such as the TWITTER FILES,
> Wholly Biased Democrat Controlled Fake News Media,
> CRIMINAL IMPEACHABLE Joe Biden's $10Million bribes,
> Hillary Russia Hoax, 50 Deep State Agents signed Biden Laptop
> coverup letter, the two false impeachments,
> the Zuckerberg Soros Gates limitless millions
> of fraudulent democrat electioneering partnerships,
> violent gun toting murdering Democrats endorsing
> and inciting the threatening summer of violence,
> breaking state election laws, plandemic3, yet more
> free-shit handouts, and much more.
> Lucas would do better to copy the SW himself
> and try to exploit and publicly expose the silly
> machines that way, instead of trying to claim
> without any evidence whatsoever that hundreds of
> individual Repub voters are going to walk up to vote
> and exploit the machines in realtime on election day via
> the touchscreens to modify counts within count anomaly
> detection thresholds, because that's all that *copying* will
> let you do without discoverably breaking physical seals
> to upload new code.
> Trump probably wasn't far off when estimating that
> just the known facts above contributed ~17% vote shift,
> none of which involved touching any vote machine at all.
> Even if putting the known fraud influence at 5%, Trump still won.
> And Democracy is a violent failed scam that will never work.
> Whether you like or accept those facts or not is irrelevant.

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