# 2023-10-01T18:50:20-04:00.txt
Traffick Boss writes via Karl into a black pit.

Karl makes a wormhole, stuffs the black pit writing into the wormhole,
and [it pops out on the cypherpunks list! [traffick boss might think
it pops out elsewhere]]


# 2023-10-01T18:51:11-04:00.txt

Traffick Boss has to haul whole masses of [red tape people] to get
them to work in the Black Arctic [Sea?]

Traffick Boss is head of Black Arctic Sea --

# 2023-10-01T18:52:15-04:00.txt

We went to a different town recently, maybe today, and --

# 2023-10-01T18:53:14-04:00.txt
[user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ # maybe send a chunk?
[user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ #################### ummmm
[user@localhost 2023-10-01-02]$ date --iso=seconds

# 2023-10-01T18:53:23-04:00.txt

Rectangle World

Welcome to Rectangle World.

Ambassador to Rectangle World: "Welcome to the World of Rectangles, or
as we call it, 20th Century Civilization."

You look around you.

Everything has 4-6 flat sides and 4-8 corners.

It truly is a world of rectangles.




Human Trafficking Boss works on his name pun. He stands amidsts
traffic on a road, wearing the powersuit he stole from enslaved

Human Traffick Boss puts his hands on his powerhips in front of an
oncoming vehicle, and then raises one powerhand to tell it to stop.

He projects a booming voice: "Stay in your car."

He --- [hydraulically marches around to back of car and pulls it backward ---

    [[a mistake is suspected, he grabs driving car, not stopped one


who the frazzle is Traffick Boss???????????

who could this mysterious individual be????????

Traffick Boss puts on a hood and hides his face.

Traffick Boss goes on camera for an interview.

Interview: "So, you're the famous Traffick Boss."

Traffick Boss: "Yes --"


Strength Training

Traffick Boss holds a jackhammer in one hand, and has its tip pressed
against his other --- -- -- ................

Time stops.

    Research Victim 2: "This seems dangerous, what if --"
        Entranced Research Victim 3: "He can take it! He wants to get
more powerful --"
 Rebel Worker 5, in research area: "We don't want any more hyperpowerful --"

we are gently thinking of something unknown
ok found something a little familiar
alert alert, as usual

here's some:

Traffick Boss is sitting in the middle of a ring.
He's worn, sweaty, bruised.
He's not "sitting" sitting, he's kind of crouched, holding his weight
on something [could be his knee if it's a boxing ring, or maybe an
object in it].

[things approach the ring, he has to swat them away]

Here comes something:
It's a bunch of international mediators in a sherman tank, flying on a
Old worn out Traffick Boss, all sweaty and bruised, has to swat the
international mediators away, on their sherman tank on a pterodactyl.

He groans, and stands up, and reaches toward --

ok we maybe got closer? ?????????

let's do a records-destruction bit!

Traffick Boss is at doctor's office --
[grr upset. traffick boss burns his own medical records. not fun.
happens in real life. joke not appreciated. or, maybe it is??]
[let's do an rpg one?]

[or not?]

{"ditem": ["wv2qXOy9mLL5CnHai1EqY7PeHwi8-Tp07_93ngdYC6c"],
"min_block": [1273054,
"api_timestamp": 1696201526161}

[mistake and complaint !!!]

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