"The right of the people to keep and bear arms
shall not be infringed -- US Constitution, 2nd Amendment"


Democrats are fucking INSANE LUNATICS!

NYC Democrat Sponsors Bill Requiring Background Checks For 3D Printers


A Democratic lawmaker in New York City has submitted a bill to the New
York State Assembly requiring anyone to undergo a criminal history
background check with the government before purchasing a 3D printer.

Sponsored by Democratic Assemblymember Jenifer Rajkumar, representing
Queens neighborhoods of Glendale, Ozone Park, Richmond Hill,
Ridgewood, and Woodhaven, bill A8132 would expand background checks
for any "three-dimensional printer sold in this state, which is
capable of printing a firearm or any components of a firearm." This
means any store selling 3D printers must conduct a background check on

According to the bill's text, the commissioner of criminal justice
services will ensure the customer does not have a felony or serious
offense or outstanding warrant of arrest that would force state
officials to deny the purchase of the 3D printer. The vetting process
could take upwards of 15 days.

The bill is designed by Democrats who continue to wage war on the
Second Amendment and say the proliferation of violent crime across
major metro areas, such as NYC, is directly linked to guns. But these
ignorant lawmakers fail to mention the latest surge in violent crime
is due to failed progressive policies, such as 'defunding the police'
and open southern borders.

"In their craze to eliminate the Second Amendment, there appears to be
no limit to what gun control—or in this case 3D printer control—New
York state politicians will consider. The New York state legislature
just needs to accept that the Bill of Rights protects the right to
keep and bear arms from the tyranny they so badly want to enact,"
Aidan Johnston, Director of Federal Affairs, Gun Owners of America,
told us.

Bill A8132 remains in the committee stage and may not even reach a
floor vote, much less be enacted into law. However, if passed, the
days of walking into a Midtown Manhattan Best Buy and purchasing a 3D
printer in minutes would be over.

Yet this is more incompetence from Democrats who have no limit to what
gun control is and will stop at nothing to ban firearms from
law-abiding citizens. Remember, last month, the New Mexico governor
tried to suspend the right to carry guns in public under an emergency
health order.

Furthermore, progressives have transformed NYC, San Francisco, Los
Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Baltimore, Detroit, and many other metro
areas into crime-ridden hellholes. Still, these rogue politicians that
cater to a 'fringe' minority instead of the majority wage war on
law-abiding citizens while only emboldening criminals.

Why is this?

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