The false leaders always expose themselves and their evil plans,
just enough for them to get followers and executors,
it's your job to spot and remove such false "leaders"...

Barack Obama, The Man Chosen By Globalists To Accelerate The Takedown
Of The Greatest Nation The World Has Ever Known To Make Way For Their
Great Reset / New World Order “You just have to flood a country's
public square with enough raw sewage. You just have to raise enough
questions, spread enough dirt. Plant enough conspiracy theorizing that
citizens no longer know what to believe. Once they lose trust in their
leaders, in mainstream media, in political institutions, in each
other, in the possibility of truth. The game's won.“

3 years ago tonight: Gasoline was $1.85 a gallon Mortgage rates were
2.5% Inflation was below 1% We had peace in Europe and the Middle
East. Trump was on his way to a landslide victory Then, at 2 a.m.,
they stopped counting the votes, and the rest is history.

People don’t like to make things political but notice who’s doing the
censoring. Notice who controls the media and who got suspended from
Twitter. Notice who pushed corrupt mandates, targeted children, lit
churches on fire, and arrested priests. Words lie. Actions don’t

If you haven't figured it out by now, our entire government is a huge
mafia who launders our tax payer money right back to themselves
through foreign aid & endless wars. They all hate you & could care
less if you suffer & die horrible deaths, as long as they got rich.

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