Mass Immigration Is Fueling Surge In Violent Crime, Warns German
Federal Police Office

Authored by Thomas Brooke via Remix News,

Mass immigration into Germany is a significant contributing factor in
the surge in violent crime being reported across the country,
Germany’s federal police office, the Bundeskriminalamt (BKA), has

Police crime stats published on Thursday showed a considerable
increase in violent crime of around 17 percent in the first half of
2023 compared to the same period last year.

Violent crime in public rose by 14 percent while reports of violent
offenses in private residences increased by around 3 percent,
according to the BKA.

The agency cited three primary factors for the concerning rise in
offenses: increased mobility after lockdowns, the cost of living
crisis, and mass immigration.

It noted that mobility had now returned to pre-pandemic levels, which
“creates more opportunities and reasons for crime,” and stated that
economic burdens brought by high inflation correlate with the number
of violent crimes, particularly in “economically weaker regions”.

The third factor it cited was Germany’s “high immigration rate.”

    “When it comes to violent crimes, there is a greater increase in
the number of non-German suspects,” the BKA stated.

    “It can be assumed that many people seeking protection have
several risk factors that make violent crime more likely. These
include the living situation in initial reception centers as well as
economic insecurity and experiences of violence,” it added.

The number of crimes involving German citizens — which includes dual
citizens who may have been born elsewhere — rose by 8 percent compared
to non-German suspects which increased by as much as 23 percent.
Furthermore, cases involving foreign minors rose considerably by 37

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