Elon Musk and X users...
Exposing the Lying Corrupt Ruinious Democrats...

No money, skills, language, integration, health, or education.
All male, many Islam and Criminal and Cartel.
All on welfare, housing, deficit and debt, majority forever.

Jan 9
To thine own self be true

Elon Musk
They’ve run out of hotel rooms, are kicking kids out of school for
illegal housing and now they want your homes too
Libs of TikTok
Replying to @elonmusk
Already happening
Elon Musk
This is what happens when you run out of hotel rooms. Soon, cities
will run out of schools to vacate. Then they will come for your homes.
Libs of TikTok
BREAKING: Buses are now pulling up to @JMHSBklyn and dropping off
illegals. School is closed tomorrow because illegals will be sleeping
in the school’s gym. This is disgraceful! NYC is prioritizing illegals
over Americans.
Elon Musk
Is this legal?
End Wokeness
Jan 8
NY Congresswoman Clarke (D) saying the quiet part out loud about the
border: "I need more people in my district just for redistricting
Elon Musk
Elon Musk
Ian Jaeger
Argentina has implemented: Single day voting, hand made ballot boxes,
paper ballots, and Photo ID required. Should the United States do the
Elon Musk retweeted
Tulsi Gabbard 🌺
Freedom of speech is a fundamental right in America. Sadly we live in
a time where debate, dialogue and dissent can be cause for
cancellation and censorship by those in power. To defend free speech,
we must use it. I’m announcing a new partnership today with X where
under @elonmusk leadership, free speech is not only protected, it is
celebrated. We will be bringing you stories & news about the truth of
what’s happening in our country and world but that those in power
don’t what you hear, and a series of short films that share the
stories of those most impacted, but whose voices are silenced. Looking
forward to working with @lindayaX, @bweitz and the team @xnews
Elon Musk
Explains why orgs like @WSJ are so desperate that they will torch
their integrity
The Missing Data Depot
The beginning of the social media era coincided w/ a nearly
$40,000,000,000 collapse in newspaper advertising revenue. In 2006,
American newspapers collected $49,275,402,572 in advertising revenue.
In 2022, that number was only $9,760,830,024.
Elon Musk
When you add unfunded obligations (like social security & medical),
plus state & local debt, government debt will soon exceed $100
Trillion! usdebtclock.org
Shibetoshi Nakamoto

Elon Musk
You can print your own ballot & mail it in!
Brick Suit
.@ElonMusk people might also be surprised that California has a RAVBM
program that let's you print your own ballot at home and then mail it
in or place it in a drop box. What could go wrong?

Elon Musk
California hasn’t required proof of citizenship to vote since 1994
Rosie Memos
Replying to @markjeffrey @elonmusk
Been that way in California since 1994 and it’s been a blue state ever since.

Elon Musk
Arizona clearly states that no proof of citizenship is required for
federal elections
Mark Jeffrey
Jan 9
Replying to @elonmusk
YES. This is from my friend in Arizona just yesterday:

Elon Musk
Jan 9
Great book
Gad Saad
Jan 9
If you really wish to see a spicy critique of DIE, please read my 2020
book The Parasitic Mind. It is the mind vaccine against all of the
idea pathogens that have been destroying the West.
amazon.com/Parasitic-Mind-In… [I'm posting these tweets when I should
be relaxing with the family.]
Elon Musk retweeted
Gad Saad
Jan 9
I've explained on countless occasions the distinction between
deontological and consequentialist ethics and how the inability to
know which principles are deontological causes minds to be
parasitized. DIE is a violation of deontological principles. There is
no "I believe in free speech but not for Donald Trump" or "I believe
in the presumption of innocence but not for Brett Kavanaugh" or "I
believe journalistic integrity but not when it comes to Hunter Biden's
laptop." Similarly, you cannot be for the meritocratic ethos and be
for DIE. This is akin to being a pregnant virgin.
Elon Musk
Jan 9
This explains Mark Cuban’s ridiculous overcompensation regarding
racism. Same thing happened with #MeToo guys who got bust suddenly
becoming fake ardent feminists.
Elon Musk
Jan 9
If mental gymnastics were an Olympic sport, Mark Cuban would be a perfect 10
This tweet is unavailable
Elon Musk
Jan 9
Whoa, I did not know this
Wall Street Apes
Jan 9
Thankfully @elonmusk Is Bringing A Lot Of Awareness To Illegals Being
Imported To Vote Today. Don't Forget: Multiple States Have Already
Voted To Allow Illegal Immigrants (Non-Citizens) To Vote & Many More
States Currently In Process Of Passing Legislation To Allow Them To
Vote This is ON THE RECORD: “Non-citizens have not been eligible to
vote in New York or as far as I know in any other state since the 19th
century.” That's not true. The New York City Council voted in December
to allow this. It begins January 9, 2023. Cities in Vermont and
Maryland already allow this, and similar measures are under
consideration in Illinois, Maine, and Massachusetts right now. Mr.
Gentleman, were you? Yes. I believe those are considerations of
allowing votes in municipal elections only. Right, but thank you.
That's the point. Everybody wants to know at home, why would they
allow this? Guys, they're allowing it because they're gonna turn them
into voters. They already are doing this in New York City, largest
city in America, and this is the plan of our friends on this side to
turn all the illegals into voters. That's it, folks. That's what's
going on. That's the game. That's why the border's open. That's why
they've dropped it. Look, I respect Ms. Loughran and all her work in
this arena. Yes, I'll yield, Mr. Chairman. I'd love to hear what you
have to say about this. As a New Yorker, I would love to think that
New York is the entire country, but it is not. It is not, and
consideration is being given to permitting non-citizens to vote in New
York and I believe in the capital city of Vermont, I forget which that
is, but it is much as I'd like to believe it, New York and Vermont are
not the entire country. But Mr. Chairman, that's the whole point. This
is what's going on, folks, at home. If you're trying to figure this
out, if you're scratching your heads, you've seen the video, you see
droves of people, 2.4 million people coming over the border illegally,
the president allowing, the Democrats in charge of Congress are
allowing it, the deal is they're going to turn them into voters. You
just heard it. They don't have any problem with that. They celebrate
it. Here's the deal. We have a problem with it. The Constitution has a
problem with it. American elections should be decided by American
citizens. That's it. That's what this is about. That's why we're
jumping up and down and screaming, my friends on the video who are
commenting about this. That's why we're so upset, because our
constituents are frightened that we are losing our country. We're
losing our security, we're losing our sovereignty, because we're going
to allow people from 160 different countries around the world to come
in here and decide our elections. That's it. Here it is on record. You
all heard it.”
Elon Musk
Jan 9
(CTO) Chief Troll Officer
Elon Musk
Jan 9
Elon Musk
Jan 9
End Wokeness
Jan 8
Brian Silvas lives right near the border in San Diego. Every day,
swarms of illegal invaders cross through his property. CA sheriffs
informed him that he is not even allowed to tell them to get off his
Elon Musk
Jan 9
Claiming that people can’t figure out how to get ID is racist and
should be condemned in the strongest possible terms
Ashley St. Clair
Jan 9
This video asking black people in Harlem if they have ID will forever
be one of the best reactions to the “voter ID is racist” nonsense
Elon Musk
Jan 8
In the USA, you don’t need government issued ID to vote and you can
mail in your ballot. This is insane.
Elon Musk
Jan 8
Interesting that the press would lie so loudly about this issue
Jan 8
After Elon pinned this post to his profile, the disinformers at WaPo
and Rolling Stone got to work attacking him for sharing my graph of
raw govt data. IDK if they're lying or just incompetent, but they
published blatant factual errors in these anti-Musk articles. This
expanded version of the original graph will clearly demonstrate the
two most egregious false claims. - False Claim 1: Number of Births has
never been greater than number of border Encounters. -- Fact 1: Number
of Births has ALWAYS been greater than number of Encounters, until
September 2023. -- CBP began using Encounters as a metric in FY2020.
You can also easily calculate Encounters yourself going back to
FY2012. So "always" here means for the entire existence of the
Encounters metric. - False Claim 2: Many of those Encounters led to
people being Expelled from the country. -- Fact 2: Literally ZERO
Expulsions happened in any month where Encounters exceeded Births.
Title 42 had already expired. If you're going to attack someone over
data, maybe don't make up abject nonsense that anyone can easily
disconfirm in 2 seconds. That used to be called basic journalism.

Elon Musk
Jan 8
Incentives matter. They are importing voters.
Jan 8
🚨 In 2007, Senator Joe Biden declared that no great nation has
uncontrolled borders, warning that America must build a border fence
and increase border agents to secure the nation against drugs, terror,
and illegal immigration. Biden accused wealthy Republicans of wanting
to increase illegal immigration to replace American workers with
cheaper labor. "The reason the employers want this extra influx is it
drives cost down... Employers have to be held responsible for the
unscrupulous practice of bringing people here in order to keep wages
down." "That's not fair to Americans. You have to hold employers
responsible for hiring Americans First." Criticizing President Bush,
Biden lamented the lack of border agents, the absence of a border
fence, and the free flow of drugs into the country. "I've been arguing
for the need to put more protection at our borders, meaning you have
more border guards." "You have to have a significant increase of
security at the border, including limited elements where you actually
have a fence." "People can go over and under a fence, but you can't
take 100 kilos of cocaine over and under a fence." Fast forward to
President Biden's term, and a record-breaking 8 million people have
illegally entered the country in 3 years, with a fentanyl crisis
leading to over 106,000 Americans overdosing on drugs last year. On
Biden's inaugural day, he introduced policies that incentivize illegal
immigration: • Paused Deportations • Suspended "Remain in Mexico" •
Stopped Border Wall Construction The consequences are dire – a
national security crisis draining American taxpayers of hundreds of
billions annually, leading major cities to slash budgets for essential
services such as fire, police, sanitation, and education. As Senator
Biden once warned, "No great nation can be in a position where they
can't control their borders." "It matters how you control your
borders. Not just for immigration, but it matters for drugs, terror,
and a whole range of other things."
Elon Musk
Jan 8
This disinformation was fed to you by the same people who claim to
want to fight disinformation
Elon Musk
Jan 8
Aiding & abetting illegal immigration is a felony crime
House Homeland GOP @HomelandGOP
Jan 8
The @HomelandGOP's nearly year-long investigation into Secretary
Mayorkas made one thing clear—he has refused to enforce the laws of
Congress and fulfill his oath of office. This Committee will begin
impeachment proceedings this Wednesday at 10am to hold Mayorkas
Elon Musk
Jan 8
That is the key question
The Rabbit Hole
Jan 8
Which way? Do we want equal opportunity or equal outcomes?
Elon Musk
Jan 8
Paul D. Thacker
Jan 8
Fact checkers and disinformation academics check narratives, not
facts. Your facts can be accurate, but if you've got the wrong
narrative, well ... Hate to tell you this: that's a "conspiracy
theory" and you're gonna get "debunked." Example: 439,845,457....
Anymore questions?

Elon Musk
Jan 7
To be expected. They will stop at nothing to destroy 𝕏.
Jan 7
The more 𝕏 grows, the more frequent media attacks on Elon will
happen. Reason: Traditional media is a direct competitor to 𝕏.
Elon Musk
Jan 7
Jan 7
At current rates, we can expect over 12 million encounters in the
first term of Joe Biden's presidency. That's nearly as much as the
preceding 3 terms combined.

Elon Musk
Jan 6
The US construction industry can increase available housing by 1% to
2% per year. But the US population is only 330M out of 8B. So if just
~4% of Earth moves here, housing would need to double, which is
impossible, causing a massive homeless problem and house prices to be
astronomically unaffordable.

Elon Musk
Jan 6
Accurate analysis
End Wokeness
Jan 6
Biden's approval on immigration stands at a record low 26%, his worst
issue based on most polling data. Even the most liberal towns and
cities are melting down over the crisis. 2024 is coming up. They know
this issue is hurting them politically. So why don't they care?
Because it's a long-term investment. 8M illegals crossed since Biden
took office (that we know of), which is more than the population of 38
states. Illegal crossings outnumber births in America right now. Every
time an illegal migrant gives birth on US soil, that child
automatically has the right to vote in 18 years due to birthright
citizenship. Keep in mind that most migration is coming from areas
with astronomically high fertility rates. But it won't stop there.
There will come a time when Dems control Congress. This gives them the
power to grant amnesty to tens of millions of illegals living here.
They've done it in the past, they'll do it again. To summarize: They
don't care about what you think because they’re importing a new
electorate of loyal voters.

Elon Musk
Jan 5
Interesting. 𝕏 will add them as defendants in the lawsuit.
Jan 5
🚨BREAKING: @FreeBeacon has uncovered a confidential list revealing
Media Matters' major contributors. Brace yourself for this shocking
surprise — they're all Democratic megadonors. • Deborah J. Simon:
$4,000,000 • Gill Foundation: $2,970,000 • Josh and Anita Bekenstein:
$1,750,000 • Stephen M. Silberstein Foundation: $1,900,000 • Susan T.
Buffett Foundation: $1,751,199 Media Matters, the brainchild of
Clinton loyalist David Brock, calls itself a media watchdog but
operates as a DNC front group orchestrating advertiser boycotts and
suppressing free speech on social media. In a shocking federal
lawsuit, a Media Matters employee obsessively refreshed a fringe video
on @rumblevideo over 70 times until he found a Netflix ad that could
be used as fodder for a public pressure campaign. Despite being the
sole viewer of that Netflix ad next to the fringe video, Media Matters
falsely insinuated in an article that Netflix ads frequently
accompanied fringe content on Rumble, coercing advertisers to abandon
the platform. On @X, Media Matters accessed accounts active for 30
days, bypassing ad filters for new users, and selectively followed
accounts with fringe content and those owned by X's major corporate
advertisers. After repeatedly scrolling and refreshing their timeline
- 13 more times than an average user - they generated screenshots of
fringe content next to X's top advertisers. Media Matters' defamation
was so fabricated that IBM, Comcast, and Oracle had their ads appear
next to fringe content for just one account—an employee of Media
Matters—out of over 550 million active users on @X. Media Matters
conveniently left out these details in their reporting, sidestepping
the fact that their reporters manipulated the platform to create
fringe content next to major corporate advertisers. Why are Democratic
megadonors like @GillFoundation, @Josh_Bekenstein, and
@BuffettScholars financially supporting these clearly deceptive,
malicious tactics aimed at stifling free speech on the internet?

Elon Musk
Jan 4
There are almost no deportations
Jan 4
🚨America's illegal immigration crisis is shattering century-old
records with alarming numbers: 2023: 3,201,144 2022: 2,766,582 2021:
1,956,519 2020: 405,036 2019: 859,501 2018: 404,142 2017: 310,531
2016: 415,816 2015: 337,117 2014: 486,651 2013: 420,789 2012: 364,768
2011: 340,252 2010: 463,382 On President Biden's inaugural day, he
introduced policies that incentivize illegal immigration: • Paused
Deportations • Suspended "Remain in Mexico" • Stopped Border Wall
Construction Since these policy changes, over 8 million people have
illegally entered the country, with millions more slipping past border
patrol undetected. This surge in illegal immigration is a national
security crisis, costing American taxpayers hundreds of billions per
year. Major U.S. cities, grappling with the escalating financial
burden, are slashing budgets for essential services such as fire,
police, sanitation, and education. President Biden holds the power to
halt this crisis that is draining America's resources. The solution is
as simple as the actions that led to this crisis—Biden should use his
pen to reverse his policy changes. Chart via @biancoresearch

Elon Musk
Jan 4
While it is trivial to enter the United States illegally, it is
insanely difficult for legal immigrants to move to the United States.
This is madness! We should shut down illegal immigration and greatly
increase legal immigration.
Aaron Levie
Jan 4
This chart should make you go insane. This is the number of high
skilled workers that want to work here. There is a cap at 85,000 slots
that will be filled. We are actively shooting our future selves in the
Elon Musk
Jan 4
At this point, there is no question that this administration is
actively facilitating illegal immigration. The numbers speak for
Jan 4
By all available metrics, this administration's border policy is a
disaster. Monthly Encounters have averaged: - 98,000 for the two
previous administrations. - 242,000 for the Biden border. In fact, the
flood of humans entering is so vast that Apprehensions alone now
exceed the combined Encounters metric of the previous administrations.
Monthly Apprehensions have averaged: - 34,000 for the previous two
administrations. - 111,000 for the Biden border. And these averages
understate the current situation -- it's getting worse every month.
December 2023 was the worst single month in history at the southern

Elon Musk
Jan 4
The public should be made aware of this
Mayra Flores Vallejo
Jan 3
The largest migrant caravan of 2023 known as the 'poverty exodus,' has
recently departed from Southern Mexico, comprising approximately
15,000 individuals from 24 countries en route to the US border. Yet
Democrats are focused on cooking pictures I posted that reminded me of
my upbringing’s. I can’t with so much pettiness. @TexasTribune you
should write about this caravan on its way. That would be more

Elon Musk
Jan 4
Bill Ackman
Jan 3
"I Came, I Saw, I Copied": Why DEI Must DIE konstantinkisin.com/p/i-came…

Elon Musk
Jan 3
DEI, because it discriminates on the basis of race, gender and many
other factors, is not merely immoral, it is also illegal
Elon Musk
Jan 3
The @AP has the woke mind virus growing out of its head like a giant mushroom!
Elon Musk
Jan 3
DEI is just another word for racism. Shame on anyone who uses it.
Bill Ackman
Jan 3
In light of today’s news, I thought I would try to take a step back
and provide perspective on what this is really all about. I first
became concerned about @Harvard when 34 Harvard student organizations,
early on the morning of October 8th before Israel had taken any
military actions in Gaza, came out publicly in support of Hamas, a
globally recognized terrorist organization, holding Israel ‘solely
responsible’ for Hamas’ barbaric and heinous acts. How could this be?
I wondered. When I saw President Gay’s initial statement about the
massacre, it provided more context (!) for the student groups’
statement of support for terrorism. The protests began as
pro-Palestine and then became anti-Israel. Shortly, thereafter,
antisemitism exploded on campus as protesters who violated Harvard’s
own codes of conduct were emboldened by the lack of enforcement of
Harvard’s rules, and kept testing the limits on how aggressive,
intimidating, and disruptive they could be to Jewish and Israeli
students, and the student body at large. Sadly, antisemitism remains a
simmering source of hate even at our best universities among a subset
of students. A few weeks later, I went up to campus to see things with
my own eyes, and listen and learn from students and faculty. I met
with 15 or so members of the faculty and a few hundred students in
small and large settings, and a clearer picture began to emerge. I
ultimately concluded that antisemitism was not the core of the
problem, it was simply a troubling warning sign – it was the “canary
in the coal mine” – despite how destructive it was in impacting
student life and learning on campus. I came to learn that the root
cause of antisemitism at Harvard was an ideology that had been
promulgated on campus, an oppressor/oppressed framework, that provided
the intellectual bulwark behind the protests, helping to generate
anti-Israel and anti-Jewish hate speech and harassment. Then I did
more research. The more I learned, the more concerned I became, and
the more ignorant I realized I had been about DEI, a powerful movement
that has not only pervaded Harvard, but the educational system at
large. I came to understand that Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion was
not what I had naively thought these words meant. I have always
believed that diversity is an important feature of a successful
organization, but by diversity I mean diversity in its broadest form:
diversity of viewpoints, politics, ethnicity, race, age, religion,
experience, socioeconomic background, sexual identity, gender, one’s
upbringing, and more. What I learned, however, was that DEI was not
about diversity in its purest form, but rather DEI was a political
advocacy movement on behalf of certain groups that are deemed
oppressed under DEI’s own methodology. Under DEI, one’s degree of
oppression is determined based upon where one resides on a so-called
intersectional pyramid of oppression where whites, Jews, and Asians
are deemed oppressors, and a subset of people of color, LGBTQ people,
and/or women are deemed to be oppressed. Under this ideology which is
the philosophical underpinning of DEI as advanced by Ibram X. Kendi
and others, one is either an anti-racist or a racist. There is no such
thing as being “not racist.” Under DEI’s ideology, any policy,
program, educational system, economic system, grading system,
admission policy, (and even climate change due its disparate impact on
geographies and the people that live there), etc. that leads to
unequal outcomes among people of different skin colors is deemed
racist. As a result, according to DEI, capitalism is racist, Advanced
Placement exams are racist, IQ tests are racist, corporations are
racist, or in other words, any merit-based program, system, or
organization which has or generates outcomes for different races that
are at variance with the proportion these different races represent in
the population at large is by definition racist under DEI’s ideology.
In order to be deemed anti-racist, one must personally take action to
reverse any unequal outcomes in society. The DEI movement, which has
permeated many universities, corporations, and state, local and
federal governments, is designed to be the anti-racist engine to
transform society from its currently structurally racist state to an
anti-racist one. After the death of George Floyd, the already
burgeoning DEI movement took off without any real challenge to its
problematic ideology. Why, you might ask, was there so little
pushback? The answer is that anyone who dared to raise a question
which challenged DEI was deemed a racist, a label which could severely
impact one’s employment, social status, reputation and more. Being
called a racist got people cancelled, so those concerned about DEI and
its societal and legal implications had no choice but to keep quiet in
this new climate of fear. The techniques that DEI has used to squelch
the opposition are found in the Red Scares and McCarthyism of decades
past. If you challenge DEI, “justice” will be swift, and you may find
yourself unemployed, shunned by colleagues, cancelled, and/or you will
otherwise put your career and acceptance in society at risk. The DEI
movement has also taken control of speech. Certain speech is no longer
permitted. So-called “microaggressions” are treated like hate speech.
“Trigger warnings” are required to protect students. “Safe spaces” are
necessary to protect students from the trauma inflicted by words that
are challenging to the students’ newly-acquired world views. Campus
speakers and faculty with unapproved views are shouted down, shunned,
and cancelled. These speech codes have led to self-censorship by
students and faculty of views privately held, but no longer shared.
There is no commitment to free expression at Harvard other than for
DEI-approved views. This has led to the quashing of conservative and
other viewpoints from the Harvard campus and faculty, and contributed
to Harvard’s having the lowest free speech ranking of 248 universities
assessed by the Foundation of Individual Rights and Expression. When
one examines DEI and its ideological heritage, it does not take long
to understand that the movement is inherently inconsistent with basic
American values. Our country since its founding has been about
creating and building a democracy with equality of opportunity for
all. Millions of people have left behind socialism and communism to
come to America to start again, as they have seen the destruction
leveled by an equality of outcome society. The E for “equity” in DEI
is about equality of outcome, not equality of opportunity. DEI is
racist because reverse racism is racism, even if it is against white
people (and it is remarkable that I even need to point this out).
Racism against white people has become considered acceptable by many
not to be racism, or alternatively, it is deemed acceptable racism.
While this is, of course, absurd, it has become the prevailing view in
many universities around the country. You can say things about white
people today in universities, in business or otherwise, that if you
switched the word ‘white’ to ‘black,’ the consequences to you would be
costly and severe. To state what should otherwise be self-evident,
whether or not a statement is racist should not depend upon whether
the target of the racism is a group who currently represents a
majority or minority of the country or those who have a lighter or
darker skin color. Racism against whites is as reprehensible as it is
against groups with darker skin colors. Martin Luther King’s most
famous words are instructive: “I have a dream that my four little
children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged
by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.” But
here we are in 2024, being asked and in some cases required to use
skin color to effect outcomes in admissions (recently deemed illegal
by the Supreme Court), in business (likely illegal yet it happens
nonetheless) and in government (also I believe in most cases to be
illegal, except apparently in government contracting), rather than the
content of one’s character. As such, a meritocracy is an anathema to
the DEI movement. DEI is inherently a racist and illegal movement in
its implementation even if it purports to work on behalf of the
so-called oppressed. And DEI’s definition of oppressed is
fundamentally flawed. I have always believed that the most fortunate
should help the least fortunate, and that our system should be
designed in such a way as to maximize the size of the overall pie so
that it will enable us to provide an economic system which can offer
quality of life, education, housing, and healthcare for all. America
is a rich country and we have made massive progress over the decades
toward achieving this goal, but we obviously have much more work to
do. Steps taken on the path to socialism – another word for an
equality of outcome system – will reverse this progress and ultimately
impoverish us all. We have seen this movie many times. Having a darker
skin color, a less common sexual identity, and/or being a woman
doesn’t make one necessarily oppressed or even disadvantaged. While
slavery remains a permanent stain on our country’s history – a fact
which is used by DEI to label white people as oppressors – it doesn’t
therefore hold that all white people generations after the abolishment
of slavery should be held responsible for its evils. Similarly, the
fact that Columbus discovered America doesn’t make all modern-day
Italians colonialists. An ideology that portrays a bicameral world of
oppressors and the oppressed based principally on race or sexual
identity is a fundamentally racist ideology that will likely lead to
more racism rather than less. A system where one obtains advantages by
virtue of one’s skin color is a racist system, and one that will
generate resentment and anger among the un-advantaged who will direct
their anger at the favored groups. The country has seen burgeoning
resentment and anger grow materially over the last few years, and the
DEI movement is an important contributor to our growing divisiveness.
Resentment is one of the most important drivers of racism. And it is
the lack of equity, i.e, fairness, in how DEI operates, that
contributes to this resentment. I was accused of being a racist from
the President of the NAACP among others when I posted on @X that I had
learned that the Harvard President search process excluded candidates
that did not meet the DEI criteria. I didn’t say that former President
Gay was hired because she was a black woman. I simply said that I had
heard that the search process by its design excluded a large
percentage of potential candidates due to the DEI limitations. My
statement was not a racist one. It was simply the empirical truth
about the Harvard search process that led to Gay’s hiring. When former
President Gay was hired, I knew little about her, but I was
instinctually happy for Harvard and the black community. Every
minority community likes to see their representatives recognized in
important leadership positions, and it is therefore an important
moment for celebration. I too celebrated this achievement. I am
inspired and moved by others’ success, and I thought of Gay’s hiring
at the pinnacle leadership position at perhaps our most important and
iconic university as an important and significant milestone for the
black community. I have spent the majority of my life advocating on
behalf of and supporting members of disadvantaged communities
including by investing several hundreds of millions of dollars of
philanthropic assets to help communities in need with economic
development, sensible criminal justice reform, poverty reduction,
healthcare, education, workforce housing, charter schools, and more. I
have done the same at Pershing Square Capital Management when, for
example, we completed one of the largest IPOs ever with the
substantive assistance of a number of minority-owned, women-owned, and
Veteran-owned investment banks. Prior to the Pershing Square Tontine,
Ltd. IPO, it was standard practice for big corporations occasionally
to name a few minority-owned banks in their equity and bond offerings,
have these banks do no work and sell only a de minimis amount of stock
or bonds, and allocate to them only 1% or less of the underwriting
fees so that the issuers could virtue signal that they were helping
minority communities. In our IPO, we invited the smaller banks into
the deal from the beginning of the process so they could add real
value. As a result, the Tontine IPO was one of the largest and most
successful IPOs in history with $12 billion of demand for a $4 billion
deal by the second day of the IPO, when we closed the books. The small
banks earned their 20% share of the fees for delivering real and
substantive value and for selling their share of the stock. Compare
this approach to the traditional one where the small banks do
effectively nothing to earn their fees – they aren’t given that
opportunity – yet, they get a cut of the deal, albeit a tiny one. The
traditional approach does not create value for anyone. It only creates
resentment, and an uncomfortable feeling from the small banks who get
a tiny piece of the deal in a particularly bad form of affirmative
action. While I don’t think our approach to working with the smaller
banks has yet achieved the significant traction it deserves, it will
hopefully happen eventually as the smaller banks build their
competencies and continue to earn their fees, and other issuers see
the merit of this approach. We are going to need assistance with a
large IPO soon so we are looking forward to working with our favored
smaller banks. I have always believed in giving disadvantaged groups a
helping hand. I signed the Giving Pledge for this reason. My life plan
by the time I was 18 was to be successful and then return the favor to
those less fortunate. This always seemed to the right thing to do, in
particular, for someone as fortunate as I am. All of the above said,
it is one thing to give disadvantaged people the opportunities and
resources so that they can help themselves. It is another to select a
candidate for admission or for a leadership role when they are not
qualified to serve in that role. This appears to have been the case
with former President Gay’s selection. She did not possess the
leadership skills to serve as Harvard’s president, putting aside any
questions about her academic credentials. This became apparent shortly
after October 7th, but there were many signs before then when she was
Dean of the faculty. The result was a disaster for Harvard and for
Claudine Gay. The Harvard board should not have run a search process
which had a predetermined objective of only hiring a DEI-approved
candidate. In any case, there are many incredibly talented black men
and women who could have been selected by Harvard to serve as its
president so why did the Harvard Corporation board choose Gay? One can
only speculate without knowing all of the facts, but it appears Gay’s
leadership in the creation of Harvard’s Office of Diversity, Equity,
Inclusion and Belonging and the penetration of the DEI ideology into
the Corporation board room perhaps made Gay the favored candidate. The
search was also done at a time when many other top universities had
similar DEI-favored candidate searches underway for their presidents,
reducing the number of potential candidates available in light of the
increased competition for talent. Unrelated to the DEI issue, as a
side note, I would suggest that universities should broaden their
searches to include capable business people for the role of president,
as a university president requires more business skills than can be
gleaned from even the most successful academic career with its
hundreds of peer reviewed papers and many books. Universities have a
Dean of the Faculty and a bureaucracy to oversee the faculty and
academic environment of the university. It therefore does not make
sense that the university president has to come through the ranks of
academia, with a skill set unprepared for university management. The
president’s job – managing thousands of employees, overseeing a $50
billion endowment, raising money, managing expenses, capital
allocation, real estate acquisition, disposition, and construction,
and reputation management – are responsibilities that few career
academics are capable of executing. Broadening the recruitment of
candidates to include top business executives would also create more
opportunities for diverse talent for the office of the university
president. Furthermore, Harvard is a massive business that has been
mismanaged for a long time. The cost structure of the University is
out of control due in large part to the fact that the administration
has grown without bounds. Revenues are below what they should be
because the endowment has generated a 4.5% annualized return for the
last decade in one of the greatest bull markets in history, and that
low return is not due to the endowment taking lower risks as the
substantial majority of its assets are invested in illiquid and other
high-risk assets. The price of the product, a Harvard education, has
risen at a rate well in excess of inflation for decades, (I believe it
has grown about 7-8% per annum) and it is now about $320,000 for four
years of a liberal arts education at Harvard College. As a result, the
only students who can now afford Harvard come from rich families and
poor ones. The middle class can’t get enough financial aid other than
by borrowing a lot of money, and it is hard to make the economics work
in life after college when you graduate with large loan balances,
particularly if you also attend graduate school. The best companies in
the world grow at high rates over many decades. Harvard has grown at a
de minimis rate. Since I graduated 35 years ago, the number of
students in the Harvard class has grown by less than 20%. What other
successful business do you know that has grown the number of customers
it serves by less than 20% in 35 years, and where nearly all revenue
growth has come from raising prices? In summary, there is a lot more
work to be done to fix Harvard than just replacing its president. That
said, the selection of Harvard’s next president is a critically
important task, and the individuals principally responsible for that
decision do not have a good track record for doing so based on their
recent history, nor have they done a good job managing the other
problems which I have identified above. The Corporation board led by
Penny Pritzker selected the wrong president and did inadequate due
diligence about her academic record despite Gay being in leadership
roles at the University since 2015 when she became dean of the Social
Studies department. The Board failed to create a discrimination-free
environment on campus exposing the University to tremendous
reputational damage, to large legal and financial liabilities,
Congressional investigations and scrutiny, and to the potential loss
of Federal funding, all while damaging the learning environment for
all students. And when concerns were raised about plagiarism in Gay’s
research, the Board said these claims were “demonstrably false” and it
threatened the NY Post with “immense” liability if it published a
story raising these issues. It was only after getting the story
cancelled that the Board secretly launched a cursory, short-form
investigation outside of the proper process for evaluating a member of
the faculty’s potential plagiarism. When the Board finally publicly
acknowledged some of Gay’s plagiarism, it characterized the plagiarism
as “unintentional” and invented new euphemisms, i.e., “duplicative
language” to describe plagiarism, a belittling of academic integrity
that has caused grave damage to Harvard’s academic standards and
credibility. The Board’s three-person panel of “political scientist
experts” that to this day remain unnamed who evaluated Gay’s work
failed to identify many examples of her plagiarism, leading to even
greater reputational damage to the University and its reputation for
academic integrity as the whistleblower and the media continued to
identify additional problems with Gay’s work in the days and weeks
thereafter. According to the NY Post, the Board also apparently sought
to identify the whistleblower and seek retribution against him or her
in contravention to the University’s whistleblower protection
policies. Despite all of the above, the Board “unanimously” gave its
full support for Gay during this nearly four-month crisis, until
eventually being forced to accept her resignation earlier today, a
grave and continuing reputational disaster to Harvard and to the
Board. In a normal corporate context with the above set of facts, the
full board would resign immediately to be replaced by a group
nominated by shareholders. In the case of Harvard, however, the Board
nominates itself and its new members. There is no shareholder vote
mechanism to replace them. So what should happen? The Corporation
Board should not remain in their seats protected by the unusual
governance structure which enabled them to obtain their seats. The
Board Chair, Penny Pritzker, should resign along with the other
members of the board who led the campaign to keep Claudine Gay,
orchestrated the strategy to threaten the media, bypassed the process
for evaluating plagiarism, and otherwise greatly contributed to the
damage that has been done. Then new Corporation board members should
be identified who bring true diversity, viewpoint and otherwise, to
the board. The Board should not be principally comprised of
individuals who share the same politics and views about DEI. The new
board members should be chosen in a transparent process with the
assistance of the 30-person Board of Overseers. There is no reason the
Harvard board of 12 independent trustees cannot be comprised of the
most impressive, high integrity, intellectually and politically
diverse members of our country and globe. We have plenty of remarkable
people to choose from, and the job of being a director just got much
more interesting and important. It is no longer, nor should it ever
have been, an honorary and highly political sinecure. The ODEIB should
be shut down, and the staff should be terminated. The ODEIB has
already taken down much of the ideology and strategies that were on
its website when I and others raised concerns about how the office
operates and who it does and does not represent. Taking down portions
of the website does not address the fundamentally flawed and racist
ideology of this office, and calls into further question the ODEIB’s
legitimacy. Why would the ODEIB take down portions of its website when
an alum questioned its legitimacy unless the office was doing
something fundamentally wrong or indefensible? Harvard must once again
become a meritocratic institution which does not discriminate for or
against faculty or students based on their skin color, and where
diversity is understood in its broadest form so that students can
learn in an environment which welcomes diverse viewpoints from faculty
and students from truly diverse backgrounds and experiences. Harvard
must create an academic environment with real academic freedom and
free speech, where self-censoring, speech codes, and cancel culture
are forever banished from campus. Harvard should become an environment
where all students of all persuasions feel comfortable expressing
their views and being themselves. In the business world, we call this
creating a great corporate culture, which begins with new leadership
and the right tone at the top. It does not require the creation of a
massive administrative bureaucracy. These are the minimum changes
necessary to begin to repair the damage that has been done. A number
of faculty at the University of Pennsylvania have proposed a new
constitution which can be found at pennforward.com, which has been
signed by more than 1,200 faculty from Penn, Harvard, and other
universities. Harvard would do well to adopt Penn’s proposed new
constitution or a similar one before seeking to hire its next
president. A condition of employment of the new Harvard president
should be the requirement that the new president agrees to strictly
abide by the new constitution. He or she should take an oath to that
effect. Today was an important step forward for the University. It is
time we restore Veritas to Harvard and again be an exemplar that
graduates well-informed, highly-educated leaders of exemplary moral
standing and good judgment who can help bring our country together,
advance our democracy, and identify the important new discoveries that
will help save us from ourselves. We have a lot more work to do. Let’s
get at it.

Elon Musk
30 Dec 2023
Almost no one seems to be aware of the immense size and lightning
growth of this issue. According to the mayors, it is already
overwhelming essential services in New York, Chicago and other cities.
29 Dec 2023
Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there
are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the
official encounters -- we don't know how many avoided detection.

Elon Musk
30 Dec 2023
We should be ending racism in America, not substituting one form for another!
Tucker Carlson
28 Dec 2023
The Biden administration is importing millions of third world
immigrants to live here illegally, and at same time telling them that
white people are the source of their problems. How’s that going to
work out in the end?

Elon Musk
29 Dec 2023
To give you a sense of the immense and growing size of illegal immigration!
29 Dec 2023
Since August, there are officially more arriving each month than there
are children being born to American mothers. And these are just the
official encounters -- we don't know how many avoided detection.

Elon Musk
29 Dec 2023
New York Post
29 Dec 2023
Biden admin threatens lawsuit against Texas if state arrests and
deport migrants trib.al/7lXyqZT

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