On 1/17/24, professor rat <pro2...@yahoo.com.au> wrote:
> Anarchism calls for full unemployment

Then quit your state job.

> Btc is impeccably monetarist

If one could monetizes everything today, BTC ~= $0.50/sat.
Of course the current BTC crowd has no idea how
to scale BTC to that, and most certainly not without
losing face in massive embarassment to their captured
public statements required to update "Bitcoin" into some
design unrecognizable as Bitcoin, as it is today sworn by
them to be. Thus they introduce "tabs" and "layer" lies.
BTC was meant to be updated, then it got captured, and ever
since they deny that meaning. Replacements for BTC are coming
in the next few years, get ready to migrate. Bagholding Maxis are
taking the captured SoV bet shilling hot air, not the P2P Freedom
bet leveraging today's current and future technology.

> Keynes

And all his pseudology and corrupt ilk can go fuck themselves.
When every country on the planet uses it, you know it's a scam.

Gold Silver Chickens etc were always real money based on real work,
the intervening period of Keynesian Mind Tricks to support their violence
is soon falling, returning to the digital equivalent of real money on
real work, real social, real barter, and real markets.

see also: "All Wars Are Bankers Wars"

> nuclear-power stations

Of this e/acc there is no doubt.

However the ultimate race condition is much bigger concept than
that, whose odds are at best 50/50, unless some gift of introduction
appears from someone else who managed to get lucky.

> netstates

A fun conference indeed, yet one largely yet unrecognizing
of its subservience to and role in the race.

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