Many thanks Baff for fixing my post. I've been online since late 2000 but am 
still learning.
My understanding of democratic surveillance is this comes under "Brin ".
A recent example being Comeys attempt to relaunch Clipper as multisig.
Maybe strong AI can salvage something from this trainwreck.
This problem could quickly be superseded by new problems created by the 
As for digging in and relitigating WW1. I thought thats why they invented the 
Grizzly Plough.
There does seem to be an opening now for more quantum key exchanging in the 
Full spectrum dominance favors the prepared mind!

And of course there is the APster decapitation tactic. A quantum keyed 
assassinphone in every foxhole. Sear, " Putin Stiffs com "

Bring back Poindexter. Make assassination great again.

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