It's been 30 years since I read The Time Machine,
but didn't the Eloi only have 1 L in their name?

 > Received: from [] by; Wed, 21 Mar 
2001 18:37:14 PST

How fast they trace Yahoo is an open question -
If you care, find an anonymizer to read your webmail through.

I'm reading off-line, but the IP address is probably that of
the machine at the internet cafe you're using -
depending on how organized the cafe and someone tracing you are,
they may be able to find you quickly, or not.
For instance, if you're at,
Joe's Internet Cafe, 1234 5th street, San Francisco,
and Joe's system adminstrator can tell that
.63 is the table in the corner, you may be toast.
On the other hand, if your IP address is a
NAT box on a DSL line connected to Pac Bell Internet,
at a chain of coffeeshops staffed by non-technical baristas,
         "I don't know how the router thing works.  Want donuts?"
and you're a 17-year-old kid in a room full of
15-20-year-old kids playing Quake, you'll have plenty of time
to boogie out of there before the cops show up,
or certainly before they figure out it was you -
unless you've threatened to nuke Washington now,
any investigation will be after the fact,
so the real issue is whether you paid by credit card or cash
and whether any name you used is traceable to you.

At 06:37 PM 03/21/2001 -0800, you wrote:
>OK, the first one didn't work.
>Any idea how long does it take for LEA to request
>logs, get the IP, go to ISP and figure out who I am ?
>Or is it fully automated by now, so if I mention AP my
>name (as ISP knows it) flashes on some screen ?
>Or someone is sent to the internet cafe I am posting
>from ?
>Questions, questions.
>Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail.

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