>--Tim May, who's fucking glad he missed this particular Cypherpunks 
>police-friendly meeting.

Actually, the police-friendly do-good help-freedom-fighters part
was merely pathetic.

What was truly sad was that the two main presentations dealt
with co-opting with the commercial cookie-planting user-tracking
world by inserting tracking management layers and charging for sheeple
"privacy enhancements" by commercial entities.

A corny presentation by meconomy's "that is an excellent question"
CEO would be appropriate for roomfull of dickhead investors, but not
for cypherpunks.

Looks like Del Torto is turning cpunks meets into audience for his
personal crusades and business ventures. IMHO both stink.

I think I'll avoid these meetings in the future and concentrate on doing instead.

Over and out.

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