On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 11:08:39AM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> At 9:51 AM -0700 4/10/01, Eric Cordian wrote:
> >DCF wrote:
> >
> >>  Save that the Feds have no interest in proceeding against any list
> >>  posters with cash and brains (or perhaps self-control).
> >
> >I think the Bell case indicates the need for Cypherpunks to start writing
> >code again, and stop engaging in meatspace theatrics.
> First, Bell's actions are not the actions of most members of this 
> mailing list. Frankly, this is a logical error: referring to 
> "Cypherpunks" as a collective entity and then imputing the views or 
> actions of a few to be the views or actions of the collective entity. 
> The government does this routinely.

I believe this is called a 'reification' error -- a logical fallacy
where the 'treatment of an analytic or abstract relationship as though
it were a concrete entity' (young. p 109 from principia cybernetica).


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