On Tue, Apr 24, 2001 at 03:51:44PM -0700, Tim May wrote:
> Of course, in this day and age, it's the journalists and scribblers 
> who fill the panels at conferences, and it's the journalists sought 
> out by other journalists for comments on the Meaning of it All. One 
> of our well-known journalists, a good one, was saying recently that 
> he's been invited to many special conferences on cutting edge issues, 
> libertarian technopolitics, etc. I guess I'll need to become a 
> journalist to even be invited to my _first_ such event! Merely 

That might be me, not sure from your description. I do speak
frequently at conferences, including libertarian ones, and probably
(to be frank) wouldn't be as good as some other listdenizens. I've got
deadlines, and usually only have 1-3 hours to prepare for a
presentation. Others might have more time to prepare, and better
technical or mathematical knowledge. *shrug*

But Tim, I *have* recommended that at least one conference organizer
contact you for a paying gig, and I don't recall you taking it. :)


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