At 03:11 PM 4/26/2001 -0400,

James Donald:
>> Faustine demonstrating his cheerful ignorance of economics, and who is
>> who in economics:

Faustine wrote:
>No need to get personal.

I find your put downs offensive.  You write as if everyone, including
libertarians, agreed that libertarians were ignorant fools.

You write very patronizingly of Professor Freidman.  What economics
journal's have you been published in?

Your original claim was that Libertarian economists are not real economist,
and real economists do not take them seriously.

Now you are reduced to claiming that you do not take them seriously.

Why should anyone care what someone who does not seem to know who Richard
Posner is be taken seriously?

(Hint, in the context of this discussion, the answer "Richard Posner is a
high court judge", though true, is the wrong answer.)

> I know how well-regarded Friedman is in Libertarian
> circles.

If you knew anything about economics, you would know he is well regarded,
full stop.

> Ignorant in many respects, certainly; about economics in general no.

Your postings lead me to believe otherwise.   I get the impression you are
unfamiliar with the names of the major economics journals, and are
unfamiliar with the entire existence of research on public choice and the
economic character of law, the field of research in which Friedman mostly
publishes, and with the journals that cover that field.

You are patronizing, insulting, arrogant, and ignorant.

         James A. Donald

We have the right to defend ourselves and our property, because 
of the kind of animals that we are. True law derives from this 
right, not from the arbitrary power of the omnipotent state.

http://www.jim.com/jamesd/      James A. Donald

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