Major Variola writes:

> Any human-consumable (analogue) input is readily recordable with
> a single, one-time ADC, and thereafter is toast.  DRM is a fraud
> perpetrated by engineers on Hollywood suits.  Good for employment
> though.

There is a loss of quality if you go through an analog stage.  Real and
wannabe audiophiles will prefer the real thing, pure and undiluted by
a reconversion phase.  These are the people who are already swallowing
the marketing line that the CD bandwidth limit of 22KHz is too low for
good fidelity, despite being higher than they can hear.

Consider how much more wine from Champagne is worth than that from a
village just outside of the appelation limits.  People want to feel
that they are getting the authentic goods, and they'll pay for them.
That's what the RIAA is counting on.

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