I note that neither of the supposed authors of the post on American
Concentration Camps is known to their respective SMTP servers. Nor does the
post provide a URL to the many pictures the authors claim they took of the
supposed concentration camps.

And, frankly, in today's age, I expect more than vague descriptions of the
supposed locations of these camps. GPS coordinates are pretty much a must.

Extraordinary claims require at least a shred of evidence. No, wild-eyed
assertions do not evidence make.

--Lucky Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  "Among the many misdeeds of British rule in India, history will look
   upon the Act depriving a whole nation of arms as the blackest."
  - Mohandas K. Gandhi, An Autobiography, pg 446

> -----Original Message-----
> Of Jean-Francois Avon
> Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2000 20:03
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: Fwd: Re: Concentration Camp Locations +
> ==================BEGIN FORWARDED MESSAGE==================
> >Date: Tue, 23 May 2000 18:26:29 -0700
> >From: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: American Patriot Friends Network <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: Concentration Camp Locations +
> U.S. House of Representatives
> http://www.house.gov/
> Concentration Camp Locations in Southern California
> Fact is, there's been a common thread of corroborating information
> http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Re: GUN CONGROL: [Fwd: Emergency Alert: Wednesday 05/17/00]
>              http://www.InsideTheWeb.com/mbs.cgi/mb1075995
> Date: Tue, 23 May 00 16:45:43 -0800
> X-Loop: openpgp.net
> From: Autymn D. C. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> CC: "Christopher Ruby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Fact is, there's been a common thread of corroborating
> information on this
> >subject over the years that reinforces the credibility of this
> >post.  Neophytes to this list or conspiracy lists in general may have to
> >hang out for awhile to see the common threads that weave a tapestry of
> >common sense.  Those who lack discernment via pattern recognition
> >capabilities may never "get it" and only get frustrated with the
> occasional
> >disinformation on these lists.
> Subject:     Fwd: AMERICAN CONCENTRATION CAMPS  1100  |||||||||||| x
> 1,000,0
> Sent:        30/5/1999 18.21
> X-Loop: openpgp.net
> From: Byron T Weeks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Loop: openpgp.net
> From: "Charmaine Ferreira - Apocalypse Project" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> X-Loop: openpgp.net
> From:          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Here is the camps info.  3-7-99
> Note - If any of you can get to these locations and take some photos, we
> would appreciate seeing them and will add them to this story. Suggest you
> use caution and take a zoom lens along. Thanks to Don for this
> information.
> Concentration Camp Locations in Southern California
> By Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3-7-99
> For all you disbeliever's and gun control idiots who think the government
> knows best, I've compiled a short list of camps you can visit. These
> camps have armed guards, surveillance systems, and many fences
> with the barbed
> wire pointing IN. If you voted for gun-control, then you probably deserve
> a place in one of these things, as you've sold not only you and your own
> children down the road, but me and mine as well. Thanks a lot.
> 1. PEARBLOSSOM, CALIFORNIA: Located at the intersection of Ave 116 and
> the Pearblossom Highway, this is a full-service facility,
> complete with gas
> chambers, moat, machine gun towers, and roving armed patrols. Visit at
> your own risk. If you do decide to see this one, you will be
> descended upon by
> some very mean fellows, who will get your ID and license, then monitor
> you.
> 2. FILMORE, CALIFORNIA: Located on highway 126, this at first glance
> looks like an orange grove and is located on the north side of
> the highway. It
> sports guard centers, three--count em--three sets of fences, all pointing
> in, and some very nasty armed men who tell you to "mind your own
> business." This camp is huge.
> 3. SANTA PAULA, CALIFORNIA: This is a holding camp, designed as a
> stock-yard type of facility for those rounded up in the early sweeps.
> 4. VALENCIA, CALIFORNIA: This is one of the largest camps ever
> constructed and measures some two miles by three miles, using the
> reservoir at
> the intersection of the 5 and 405 freeways as a cover. New
> buildings, armed
> guards, new roads, and many hundreds of buildings for housing the damned.
> 5. GLENDALE, CALIFORNIA: Right behind Brand Park, take the 5 interstate
> to Western Ave, then head north up the hill till you arrive at the park.
> Then take the road -- by foot -- by the doctor's house on the
> northwestern
> part of the park. Proceed up the hill to you reach the reservoir,
> which is in
> fact, a holding facility. When we were there last, there were five armed
> guards with M16s walking around.
> ---
> Commentary on the Concentration Camps By Don [EMAIL PROTECTED] 3-7-99
>  Dear friends,
> Recently, I sent out to the various news media an extremely small list of
> Concentration Camps recently built by your United States Government. As
> ithappens, very few journalists acted upon the information and shared it
> with listeners/viewers/readers. Of course, once the information was made
> public, I've now become slandered, attacked, and called all sorts of
> names and the like. How interesting it is that when we bring truth to our
> world, the messenger is killed, even if symbolically.
> Many of us in the media have been aware of these hideous camps since
> their inception. It only takes a look at the history of this
> century to know
> what will happen in them once they are populated. The heart
> shudders at such
> knowledge but ignoring it won't make it go away. The only answer is to
> get the information out there in the world and make our elected
> government
> answer.
> I've personally visited these camps and have taken pictures. They
> are REAL.
> They are manned. They have moats, motion sensors, inner berms to hide the
> main complexes, guards at the gates, electric gates, processing centers,
> and of course, high fences with razor wire and barbed pointing inward -
> not outward - but inward to KEEP PEOPLE IN.
> The larger facilities are called golf courses or water treatment plants.
> When was the last time you saw a golf course (Portland, Oregon)
> with armed
> guards carrying M16s? Why do the larger facilities have smokestacks? Ever
> see a crematorium? The smaller facilities are usually holding facilities,
> obviously designed for the short-term roundups prior to the hapless souls
> being shipped off to their final destination somewhere else.
> You have to know that it was never my intention to uncover this
> information
> to frighten anyone nor to get publicity, as so many claim. As my readers
> are well aware, I stumbled upon this stuff in research for a new book. I
> have a family and want to see them grow up and they want to have a father
> that is alive, not dead. Reporting this type of information has made me
> very unpopular with the government and I've been warned many times by the
> FBI to 'mind my own business.' Unlike many of my contemporaries, I've
> chosen to research these camp claims for myself.
> I HAD to see them with my own eyes. They do exist. But the real question
> that needs to be asked - and asked fast - is why.
> Why are they being built? Who are they for? Why does the government deny
> their existence? A friend of mine and I discovered 32 camps in just one
> county in Colorado alone. You can drive right up to them. However, the
> Department of Corrections in Colorado, the Marshall's Office, the County
> Sheriffs office, and the Federal agencies in Colorado all claim there is
> nothing at these sites except the lonesome prairie. That's just a flat
> out lie.
> Because of the staggering amount of mail I've received on this,
> my friends
> in the media - what few there are who have the guts to print the truth -
> have allowed me to answer a myriad amount of questions regarding
> the camps.
> No one - not a single person - has reported this information on
> the evening
> news nor in their newspapers. Most of these questions are from
> the Internet
> by people who have read the research material and it is their questions
> that are being answered.
> Q: Why such a short list?
> A: This was a good question and I've given the reason much thought. We've
> uncovered over 700 hundred camps so far. We have pictures to prove their
> existence. The answer is: We wanted to get as much of a complete listing
> as we possibly could before going public. The reason for that is obvious:
> you can't research very much when you are in jail on trumped-up charges
> or dead, can you? The other part of the answer is that we are still
> observing the construction going on there. For the most part we are very
> much watched when we visit them; we are stopped by armed men who ask to
> see ID. This on public roads. Making a circus of these sites will only
> get innocent people killed. Know this; if you visit these camps you will
> end up under government surveillance, and these folks are not very kind.
> Also, most, if not all the construction on these facilities happens at
> night. Why?
> Q: Where are these camps located?
> A: They seem to be popping up everywhere. For example, in January
> of 1999,
> there were no camps in Fillmore California, now there are two
> (March 1999.)
> They seem to ring around population centers for the most part, with many
> short-term 'holding facilities' buried in the hills and dales around the
> inner cities. There are over 53 camps in Southern California.
> Q: How do you determine if they are a concentration camp?
> A: This one is easy. Have you ever seen a prison up close? They do have
> certain features that are unmistakable from other types of things like
> schools or churches. Here are the determining factors. It has to have:
> 1. Barbed wire or razor wire fences that point inward. Look at most
> security fences. The top portion points out to keep trespassers
> out, right?
> Prisons, labor camps and the like all have their fence tops
> pointing in so
> that the inmates are greatly hampered in climbing them.
> 2. Some type of guard facility that is defendable and wired with
> microwave
> transmitters.
> 3. Armed guards parading around in golf-pro shirts or Department of Water
> clothing. I wasn't aware that our utilities were arming their employees
> with MP5s and M16s. Even the smallest facility we found had five, count
> em, five armed guards in tactical gear.
> 4. Tactical berms to hide the main complexes from the road. These also
> have moats, not yet filled with water, that surround the inner complex.
> The camp in Pearblossom is an excellent example of a full-service camp.
> The people go in, but they don't come out.
> Q: What was all that nonsense anyway about gun control?
> A: My research into concentration camps revealed that prior to each
> country's use of such things, they first disarmed their people with
> gun-control propaganda. Personally, I'm all for gun control, as long
> as it applies to true gun control - and that means disarming -
> not militarizing - the police, the criminals, and the dictators the
> world over. Have you ever seen someone gut shot? It's horrible.
> However, when you find them rounding up you and your loved ones
> (separating the parents from the children) you'll soon realize the
> only factor preventing a repeat performance of The Holocaust is
> firearms. The founding fathers of America knew what they were
> talking about and had some pretty good insight when they created the
> constitution. It is a well-known fact that the CIA created HCI (Handgun
> Control Inc) and that it is a well- funded creature of the CIA. Why does
> the CIA want America's citizens disarmed? That's the real question. You
> can't have a dictatorship or Martial Law if the voters are armed, can you?
> Q: Mr. Bradley, I think you are full of it.
> A: That may be so, but if I am wrong, why is the government going to such
> lengths to hide them in orange groves and other 'first-glance' disguises?
> Why are they tapping my phones, following me around, and then following
> the people I talk to? Why are those men and women in the media who are
> publicizing my research being called by people who are trying to
> discredit me as some kind of nut case?
> Q: Are you scared?
> A: Sure. Everyday of my life. But not for my own existence. Quite
> frankly,
> after spending two years exposing Remote Viewing for the mind-control
> sham that it is, I haven't been in good graces with the alphabet-soup
> agencies.
> I fear that this knowledge may be too little, too late. Quite frankly, if
> we don't get some public awareness on this issue and soon, we might all
> be having some firsthand experience with camps. When they come for you in
> Martial Law, they round up journalists who are independent, lawyers,
> history professors, constitutionalists, minorities, and anyone who won't
> surrender their firearms. As well, they also have been compiling, since
> 1994, lists of people buying food, weapons, clothing, etc., Again, the
> right question is, why the lists? Why the camps? Why so many? Why moats
> and electric fences? Why turnstiles that are color-coded for processing?
> Why are there angry white (I don't know why, but so far the guards we
> have run into have all been white males in their late twenties to early
> thirties) guards carrying automatic weapons and telephoto cameras?
> Q: When will you supply us with the complete list of camps?
> Q: Well, I'm not sure if it will ever be complete. We've been to places
> where there were only two camps (El Canon City, Colorado, February 1998,
> for example) and went back five months later and there were seven camps.
> The camps in Colorado, by the way, are huge in every sense of the word.
> These, it seems apparent, are final destination or full-service camps.
> Also, I am only one man. It takes a lot of time and money (both ever on
> short supply) to research these things and I usually do it when traveling
> on other business. Plus, having a machine gun shoved in your face tends
> to ruin your day. The camps around Utah and Arizona are the spookiest
> ones we've photographed. These are very clearly camps for the undead.
> All the full-service camps have rail spurs and landing strips adjacent
> to them.
> Q: What are the purposes of these camps?
> A: Read history, what of it in print they haven't  managed to dispose of
> by now. Camps hold people. They aren't prisons in the normal sense of the
> word. A prison has a hospital, a gym, food facilities, recreation yards,
> and cells for the inmates. Camps are like stockyards for humans. Very
> little shelter and a great deal of death.
> Q: What do you think the government's reaction will be to this report of
> yours?
> A: What it has always been: plausible deniability, a phrase and action
> created by the covert agencies of this country. First, deny the
> existence.
> Then,  if that fails, explain it away with a limited hangout (short for
> another lie, but this time with a small miter of truth.)
> Q: When were these camps built?
> A: By all indications, and since we've started looking at these things in
> early 1998, it appears most of the larger facilities were started around
> 1995 and are still being modified. The smaller holding type
> facilities are
> being rapidly built RIGHT NOW.
> Q: How can I find one in my area?
> A: It's rather easy, but you have to have two things: one, a mind that
> isn't sleeping or daydreaming. Two, a watchful eye. That's how we did it.
> We just started paying attention to our surroundings. The
> government counts
> on most folks not even really knowing what is around in their own
> neighborhoods.
> Also, start looking at the fringes of your city, as this seems to
> be where
> they like to place them. Look first for the fences pointing in that's the
> most noticeable feature about the camps that you usually can see from the
> road. Near Trinidad, Colorado, many of the outlying residents watched the
> construction happen and were warned off by armed men without badges when
> they tried to approach the builders. Most, if not all building, is done
> at night.
> Q: Why were they built?
> A: That's the question, isn't it?
> Q: Isn't there some other explanation for them, like a new kind of cheap
> prison?
> A: Really? Would you want to be in a prison with no shelter,
> hospital, nor
> any other kind of formal living arrangements and exposed to the elements?
> Listen, I wish these things didn't exist. I get sick every time I find
> another one. I didn't create them, you know. The messenger isn't to blame
> for the message.
> Q: When do you think they will start populating these camps?
> A: I don't know. But by all indications, they are being built up at a
> rather startling rate. That indicates a time-line of sorts. A deadline
> has been set and they are trying to get in place and readiness for
> something.
> =========================================================================
> 297 documents found - 0.0896 seconds search time
> http://www.ussc.alltheweb.com/cgi-bin/search?
> type=phrase&query=AMERICAN+CONCENTRATION+CAMPS&exec=FAST+Search
> A m e r i c a n  Concentration Camps Known U.S. Relocation Centers
> as of December 9, 1999
> http://www.fi9.com/guncontrol/k_camps_list.html
> If one forgets the past, he will not be prepared for the future.
> http://www.thewinds.org/archive/government/camp9-97.html
> American Concentration Camps
> http://bahaifaith.net/us_secret_prisons.htm
> Tales of American "Concentration Camps" Perpetuate Slander By:
> Richard Estrada, Associate Editor Dallas Morning News - Sept. 26, 1996
> http://www.pnorthwestbooks.com/docs/estrada.html
> CHEMTRAILS - Did An Airline Mechanic Stumble
> Upon The Truth? 5-17-00
> http://www.sightings.com/general/stumble.htm
> American Patriot Friends Network
> Contrails (Chemtrails)
> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/contrails.htm
> http://www.apfn.org
> "In the beginning of a change, The Patriot is a scarce man,
> brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, however,
> the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot."
>                     -- Mark Twain
> Big Brother - Conspiracies and Extremism
> http://conspiracies.about.com/culture/conspiracies/msubbro.htm
> Clinton CFR Speech - Sept. 14, 1998
> http://www.apfn.org/apfn/clintoncfr.htm
> FREE TRADE W/China - Bridging the Gap on PNTR
> http://globalbusiness.about.com/finance/globalbusiness/library/wee
> kly/aa051500
> a.htm
> Toward a More Moral Foreign Policy - Patrick J. Buchanan
> http://www.antiwar.com/justin/j111799.html
> May 22, 2000
>    Learn From History: Don't Pass PNTR for China
>    By Rep. Duncan Hunter
>    It is often said that those who don't learn from history are
>    destined to repeat it. Congress should refuse to honor the
>    Clinton administration's pledge of permanent normalized trade
>    relations for China or risk repeating the deadly mistakes that
>    helped lead to World War II.
>    Lessons From World War II
>    Imperial Japan declared war on China in 1937. Regargless of this
>    aggressive behavior, the United States was the single largest
>    exporter of oil, iron ore (including scrap metal) and bauxite to
>    Japan, despite reports that those materials were being used to
>    build and modernize Japan's military.
>    In July 1941, finally recognizing the potential threat of Japan as
>    an aggressor, the United States froze Japan's assets and
>    embargoed oil shipments. Unfortunately, the damage was done.
>    Throughout the Pacific theater, our soldiers lost their lives at
>    the hand of a military built with American steel and aided by
>    American natural resources.
>    Meanwhile, Europe was following a policy of appeasement in
>    their relations with Germany. They believed that liberalized trade
>    would stimulate the German economy; Adolf Hitler would feel
>    secure; Germany would shift from armaments manufacturing to
>    consumer goods for export; and ultimately, Nazi Germany would
>    become a "normal" country.
>    The United States followed Europe's example and Americans
>    became the largest foreign holders of German government bonds
>    during the 1930s. U.S. capital helped build the Nazi war machine
>    that would take the lives of so many American soldiers.
>    Lessons From the Cold War
>    President Ronald Reagan's model for winning the Cold War
>    without military action was derived from lessons learned during
>    World War II. Reagan imposed unilateral sanctions and opposed
>    the West supplying dual-use equipment to the Soviet Union.
>    Reagan's more realistic trade policy helped bring an end to the
>    Soviet threat. It is this model that we should follow when
>    building a trading relationship with an aggressive foreign power,
>    not the failed policies that lead to World War II.
>    Today's Threat
>    China has begun an aggressive modernization plan for its
>    military, funded in part by a $592 billion trade surplus earned in
>    the 1990s alone. China's 2000 defense budget is a 13 percent
>    increase over 1999 expenditures, a trend of growing defense
>    funding that has spanned nearly a decade.
>    Meanwhile, U.S. defense spending has decreased dramatically.
>    In addition, People's Liberation Army companies not only earn
>    hard currency for military modernization programs through their
>    interaction with U.S. companies, they also play a crucial role in
>    espionage and proliferation activities on behalf of the Communist
>    Chinese government.
>    China, flush with U.S. dollars from a combination of Western
>    direct investment and huge trade surpluses, has partnered with
>    the cash-strapped Russians to purchase modern air superiority
>    fighters and long-range attack aircraft. The Chinese have also
>    acquired two Sovremenny-class destroyers armed with SS-N-22
>    "Sunburn" anti-ship missiles - a weapon designed specifically to
>    attack U.S. aircraft carrier groups.
>    In contrast, China is also developing new weapons of mass
>    destruction, including new land-mobile intercontinental ballistic
>    missiles armed with multiple-independently targetable warheads,
>    technology it acquired through illegal means from the United
>    States. China is also selling a wide variety of ballistic
>    missile-related goods and technology to rogue countries,
>    including Iran, Pakistan and Libya.
>    All agree that trade with China is making it strong. The U.S.
>    business community, often held hostage by the Communist
>    Chinese government to move technology and manufacturing
>    facilities to China in order to gain market access, is using its
>    significant influence to push through this legislation. Its mistake
>    is believing that a strong China is a friendly China.
>    Business lobbyists often claim that if the United States fails to
>    provide China with PNTR, U.S. businesses will loose access to
>    the Chinese market. However, the business community is more
>    attracted to China as a low-cost manufacturing base with
>    cheap labor and a lax regulatory regime than a market for U.S.
>    exports.
>    While China sends 39 percent of all its global exports to the
>    United States; we send only 1.9 percent of our global exports
>    to China. The idea that China will forfeit our consumer-rich U.S.
>    market in retaliation to a "no" vote on PNTR is extremely
>    unlikely.
>    Proponents of PNTR argue that a strategy of appeasement will
>    bring China into the global economy where it will act more
>    responsibly, switch production efforts away from military
>    modernization and focus on consumer goods. This is precisely
>    the theory employed by most of pre-World War II Europe in its
>    relations with Nazi Germany.
>    If we continue funding the Chinese military buildup through
>    trade and direct investment it will be to our detriment, and we
>    will pay with the lives of our men and women in uniform across
>    the globe.
>    Despite claims that China is ready to take its place in the world
>    economy, the facts cannot be denied. Over the last year, China
>    has issued several aggressive statements, including one by the
>    Chinese Defense minister that war with the United States is
>    "inevitable."
>    These blatant threats, in combination with China's aggressive
>    arming of trigger-happy third world countries, demonstrate that
>    Communist China is not our "strategic partner."
>    Congress must not abandon our primary constitutional function:
>    to provide for our national defense. Some people deride those
>    who oppose PNTR as "protectionists." We should cheerfully
>    accept that label. After all, the young men and women of the
>    U.S. armed forces are certainly worth protecting, and it is they
>    who will bear the brunt of a heavily armed China.
>    Rep. Duncan Hunter (R-Calif.) is chairman of the Armed
>    Services subcommittee on military procurement.
> ==================================================================
> ===========
> "Fair Trade not Free Trade"
> http://mai.flora.org/
> http://www.wwtp.com/
> "If a President of the United States ever lied to the
> American people he should resign."
> - Bill Clinton, in 1974 while running for the U.S. House
> "Everyone will be punished"
> http://www.salon1999.com/news/1998/09/10newsc.html
> President Clinton,
> The Council on Foreign Relations are in violation
> of Title-50 War and National Defense subsection 783.
> http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2807/Title50.html
> LINCOLN said "Study the Constitution!"
>  "Let it be preached from the pulpit, proclaimed in legislatures,
> and enforced in courts of justice."
> http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/7006/rulebook.html
> America Media Columnists (500) Listed By Names
> http://www.apfn.org/
> Archive of past articles
> http://David.Bresnahan.com
> News Tips
> http://InvestigativeJournal.com/tips.htm
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> http://InvestigativeJournal.com/alert.htm
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