Tim May <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> A very good analysis.
> And on a different tack, I expect/predict that Napster will reinvent 
> itself as a distributor of material with the permission of the record 
> companies and will then aggressively go after Gnutella, Freenet, and 
> Mojo types of sites. "Those who live by the sword..."

At this point I am unable to imagine what vectors of attack would
prove fruitful for them.  That obviously does not mean there aren't
any.  Perhaps someone else has put some thought into this and has some

The CNET coverage of the Napster debacle includes links to an article
covering a survey which indicates that at least 60% of the Napster
users would continue trading files regardless of what the courts have
to say.

On a similiar note, I have been using OpenNAP servers since I started
using napster.  They presently don't have the same density of users,
but I imagine that will change quickly enough.  They are located in
several different countries, tho I am not sure what he chances of
legal action being brought against them in their home realms are.

Craig Brozefsky               <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Lisp Web Dev List  http://www.red-bean.com/lispweb
---  The only good lisper is a coding lisper.  ---

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